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Welfenschloss (Leibniz Universität)

di ResearchLUH     Germania > Niedersachsen > Region Hannover

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N 52° 22.918' E 009° 43.132' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: piccola
Stato: archiviata
 Tempo necessario: 0:15 h 
 Nascosta il: 14. maggio 2021
 Pubblicata il: 14. maggio 2021
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 23. marzo 2024
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC16BD8

0 trovata
1 non trovata
0 Note
2 Log manutenzione
1 Osservatore
0 Ignorata
35 Pagina visite
0 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry

Mappa grande


Necessaria preparazione

Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)

On 6th of October, 1879 the Technical University Hannover moved to the Welfenschloss castle. At the same time the amount of taught subjects were doubled from 1875 till 1897. New subjects such as shipbuilding were implemented. 
In addition, the institution received on 1st of April, 1879 the official name "Royal Technical University Hannover". 
With the new university constitution in the year 1880 the one of the biggest differences compared to other technical istitutions was eliminated. The new constitution organised the University in 5 departments: architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, electrical engineering and general science.
This Cache is leading you to the Heart of the Leibniz University. Please stay as unremarkable as possible and leave the cache in a good condition for the next cachers.

To open the cache, please answer following question: From which year could women study at states institutes of technology? The foundation date is the right answer. 

Suggerimenti addizionali  

[Tedesco] Ich zeige dir den Weg



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OC-Team archiviata 23. marzo 2024 Opencaching.de ha archiviato la cache

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OC-Team temporaneamente non disponibile The geocache needs maintenance. 20. settembre 2023 mic@ ha disabilitato la cache

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mic@ (OC-Support)

non trovata 03. agosto 2022, 12:16 Adhocabenteurer non ha trovato la geocache

Wir sind uns relativ sicher den Cache gefunden zu haben (zumindest die Reste davon) Wurde anscheinend entfernt?!