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Quiz Geocache

64 bytes

di aj-gps     Austria > Steiermark > Graz

N 47° 03.766' E 015° 25.432' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: micro
Stato: disponibile
 Nascosta il: 19. aprile 2008
 Pubblicata dal: 20. aprile 2008
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 14. maggio 2008
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC582D
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

10 trovata
0 non trovata
0 Note
1 Osservatore
0 Ignorata
384 Pagina visite
0 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry
4 Raccomandazioni

Mappa grande


Descrizione    English (Inglese)


In order to save you some time:
- it's not at or near the header coordinates
- it's not at or near N47°03.255 E015°25.192
- it has nothing to do with wireless lan networks (no need to go wardriving as someone already did)
- that's just the first part of the puzzles of this cache (but probably the hardest)
- IT knowledge is not necessary

Suggerimenti addizionali  

[Hint 1:] ..or more?
[Hint 2:] This first riddle does not result in any coordinates.
[Hint 3:] A single line contains the solution.
[Hint 4:] Each letter can be translated to a specific digit, but not vice versa.



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Log per 64 bytes    trovata 10x non trovata 0x Nota 0x

trovata 29. settembre 2012 chris2286266 ha trovato la geocache

Ein Wahnsinn!!!

Da ich das mit dem IT-knowledge scheinbar anfänglich überlesen hatte, hatte ich extrem tolle (technische) Ansätze, leider alle falsch :-(
Nach ein paar Resets und exakterem Interpretieren des letzten Hints klingelte es plötzlich ...

Heute im ersten Versuch an der Stage 1 leider gar nix entdeckt, dann kamen mir Zweifel, ob ich beim Decodieren vorher nicht ev. einen Schlampigkeitsfehler gehabt habe ... ich hatte, Danke an * für den Hinweis!

Also zu später Stunde nochmals ausgerückt, die Stage gefunden und dann bei einem gemütlichen Bierchen gleich daneben nach kurzer Überlegung die Finals erhalten ...
Die Dose war dann ein problemloser Fund.

Danke für diese recht außergewöhnliche Idee und Umsetzung!

Chris (#1751)

In: FP

trovata 06. settembre 2012 kjuv ha trovato la geocache

Puh, das war garnicht mal so einfach. Zusammen mit H4rv3y die Rätsel gelöst, dann fix zu Station 1 und was finden wir....nichts. 

Beim zweiten Anlauf hat H4rv3y dann was entdecken können, so schwer wie gedacht war es dann doch nicht, wohl irgendwie die Scheuklappen aufgehabt. Was damit zu tun war, war dann auch recht schnell klar und so konnten wir heute den Cache loggen.

Danke für diesen wunderbar durchdachten Cache, auch wenn ich mir vom Final etwas mehr erwartet hätte ;-)

trovata Raccomandata 26. agosto 2009 fam.feuerstein ha trovato la geocache

Laaaang hat's gebraucht. Das Einstiegsrätsel blieb mir bis zu einem Tipp verwehrt, den Rest konnten ptom und ich im Teamwork erstaunlich schnell lösen. Die Aufgaben/Stages nach dem Einstiegsrätsel haben mir auch extrem gut gefallen. Nur beim Final fühlte ich mich absolut nicht wohl, da in der Gegend ein rumstierl'n auf/in der) Nähe von Privatgrund schnell verdächtig macht (in Richtung Diebstahl, Einbruch...).
TFTC, fred.feuerstein

trovata Raccomandata 14. ottobre 2008 xro ha trovato la geocache

Dieser Cache hat wirklich Spaß gemacht ;-)
Ein Fehler zwischendurch hat mich erstmal daran gehindert den Cache noch am Sonntag zu beenden. Dafür heute mit Pelzwechsler den Rest der Mystery-Tour absolviert.

trovata 10. settembre 2008 cezanne ha trovato la geocache

After having had a first short look at this cache relatively soon after it had shown up, it became clear to me that almost any solution one might wish for would be obtainable from the number array in some way. This fact together with the fact that I do not like urban caches reduced my motivation to look into this cache to zero.

In my opinion, there are way too many degrees of freedom present without taking into account hints two and three - from my point of view these two hints (or at least one of them) do contain information that rather should be part of the cache description, but that's certainly a matter of taste as there are no rules how much ambuigity is allowed in a cache. (Hint 1 is useless and Hint 4 might be helpful for some cachers, but is not necessary.)

A few days ago in the evening I had another look at the cache description and suddenly had the right idea for what I need to look for. Within five minutes I then was successful (only later I fully understood the background), but now at the point when probably most other visitors of this cache were almost done, my troubles started. I first tried to proceed without any tools, but I failed. So I had to use IT-knowledge contrary to what the cache description claims. After having overcome some technical problems, I finally was able to proceed with the next stage.

I did not encounter any problems with finding what needs to be found there, but due to a rather unfortunate combination of several facts, I rejected my first theory which later on turned out to be correct, but did not work out for me due to some reasons I cannot mention here. Some of theories with which I came up as a replacement appear to be more creative to me than the correct solution.

Anyway, during an exchange of e-mails with another visitor of this cache I was quite surprised to be told that the correct approach was among the ones I had rejected because they did not lead to anything. Two hours ago I made another attempt and used a different technique this time and now it worked. Thereafter I decided to take my bicycle and to quickly visit the cache.

To my surprise the reception was good despite the light rain and I found the cache very quickly. It was a bit more difficult to retrieve it - even at night there are people around.

As I am neither a fan of creative mystery caches nor of urban caches, I am not belonging to the audience to which this cache is addressed. Nevertheless, I have to admit that I had expected more from this cache as it received so many enthusiastic logs, but maybe exactly this fact should have warned me. If a cache like this one is able to motivate someone to become a motivated cacher, this clearly shows that geocaching has become much more diverse than it has been when I started with this activity and now includes areas which I do not associate with what geocaching is about from my personal point of view.

Among all caches hidden by aj-gps, this is so far the one which I liked the less (even less than the cache at the train station as I expect less from a traditional cache than from a mystery cache). I am very glad that I did not invest hours into this cache as from my personal point of view it would have been a waste of time.

No trade