

Traditionele cache

Park Boka

Traditional cache in one of most beautiful parks in Herceg Novi

door vanjakom     Montenegro

Attentie! Deze cache is "Gearchiveerd"! Er bevind zich geen behuizing op de aangegeven (of uitgerekende) coördinaten. Het is dan ook raadzaam om deze cache niet te gaan zoeken!

N 42° 27.124' E 018° 31.983' (WGS84)

 andere coördinaatstelsel
 Grootte: micro
Status: Gearchiveerd
 Verborgen op: 05. januari 2019
 Published on: 06. januari 2019
 Laatste verandering: 15. september 2023
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC14FA9
Ook gepubliceerd op: geocaching.com 

2 Gevonden
0 Niet gevonden
0 Opmerkingen
1 Maintenance log
0 Volgers
0 Negeerders
15 Bekeken
0 Log pictures
Geokrety verleden

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Beschrijving    English (Engels)

For the park "Boka" we can freely say that it is the "botanical garden of the Adriatic". Construction of the park began in 1908 together with the hotel building (which was destroyed in the earthquake in 1979). For this reason, the term "Hotel Boka Park" is used.

The park area is a rare green oasis of Mediterranean plants, with over 80 species of plants that are native to tropical and subtropical regions. The dominant place belongs to various palm species, high and slender Washingtonians from South California, dates from the Canary Islands, as well as from Arabia and North Africa, Brazilian coconut palm, there are evergreen magnolia, aralia and skulls. In the middle of the park there is a metal pergola with wisteria sinensis, which gives shade to the central part of the park. In the very center of the park there is a fountain with sculpture of the goddess of hunting, the work of sculptor Petar Palavičinija (1888-1958).

The entire park was formed on a relatively steep terrain and therefore it was made terraced, in baroque style, with beautiful viewpoints from which there is an exceptional view of the entrance to the Bay of Kotor, Luštica, Njivice, Žvinje, Igalo ... Park "Boka" presents a kind of horticultural - historical value.

Cache is located in central part of park in metal pillar that hold wisteria sinensis plant. Pillar is closest one to the fountain.

Gecodeerde hint  

magnetic, inside metal pillar, see spoiler picture for more details



spoiler picture
spoiler picture
center of the park
center of the park
view to the bay
view to the bay


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Logs van Park Boka    Gevonden 2x Niet gevonden 0x Opmerking 0x Maintenance 1x

OC-Team Gearchiveerd 15. september 2023 mic@ has archived the cache

english (short). Always synchronize the status of a double-listed cache. According to geocaching.com (GC825B5) this listing is now archived here too.

german (long): Bitte bei Statusänderungen, die auf geocaching.com durchgeführt werden, auch immer hier den Status ändern. Dieser Cache ist auf geocaching.com (GC825B5) archiviert und hier nicht mit dem Attribut "OC only" versehen. Das letzte Funddatum liegt lange zurück und die Logs auf geocaching.com lassen darauf schließen, dass der Cache nicht mehr existiert. Aus diesem Grunde archiviere ich ihn auch hier. Sollten später der Cache erneuert werden und die Koordinaten aktualisiert werden, so kann dieses Listing selbständig über ein "kann gesucht werden"-Log reaktiviert werden.
Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen kannst du gerne mich oder das Team kontaktieren.

mic@ (OC-Support)

Gevonden 05. april 2019, 14:37 belupo heeft de cache gevonden

Die Weinblüten rochen fein, the wine smelled fine - TFTC - DfdC     :-)

Gevonden 04. april 2019, 21:41 ziggezagge heeft de cache gevonden

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