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Drive-In Geocache

Ziegeleimuseum Lage-Hagen

A drive-in at the industry museum brickyard Lage

by owl01_de     Germany > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Lippe

Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 52° 01.494' E 008° 46.803' (WGS84)

 Convert coordinates
 Size: micro
Status: Archived
 Time required: 0:04 h 
 Hidden on: 27 October 2007
 Listed since: 18 October 2007
 Last update: 13 June 2015
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC4583
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

40 Found
1 Not found
4 Notes
1 Maintenance log
5 Watchers
1 Ignorers
537 Page visits
1 Log picture
Geokrety history

Large map



Description    Deutsch  ·  English

NOTE: The container is since June 09 *not* hidden at the same place where ist was before - but only a few centimeters away. A phone joker is only a bit helpful...

Our third cache will lead you to a museum that most of you neither know nor visited. The old brickyard near to the city of Lage, in the district Hagen.

This museum belongs to the "Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe" (LWL), which kept old industry plants in North Rhine-Westphalia at eight places as museums.

An overview about this areas can be found at: (visit link)

The brickyard is also part of the "European Route of Industrial Heritage" (ERIH), see here: (visit link)

A short note about the history of the brickyard:
It was working from 1909 to 1979, then the clay mine that supplied the material was exhausted and the production had to be stopped. In 1982 the LWL took over the brickyard with all the machinery and even the company´s archive, and after extensive restoring the museum was opened. More details and also actual dates and events can be found on the website mentioned above.
By the way, there is a nice little cafe in the museum, which can be visited without entering the museum (and paying for entry). So, if you find yourself sitting around on a boring sunday afternoon - why not visit the museum, have a tea or coffee there and search (and find) the cache?!
The brickyard can also easyly be reached from the train station in Lage by bus (Line 748) or by bicycle, a bicycle lane is directly in front of the area.

Beware: Be *very* careful when searching, recovering and putting back the the cache container and try not to be noticeable, as there are nearly always muggles around (at least when the museum is opened) who will keep an eye on you. Please put back the cache at exactly the place where you found it!
The museum´s area must not be entered.
Please bring along a pencil.

Please notice: The cache is not hidden at or in the machine shown in the picture!

Additional hint   Decrypt




Der Cache ist NICHT hier versteckt - The cache is NOT hidden here
Der Cache ist NICHT hier versteckt - The cache is NOT hidden here


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Log entries for Ziegeleimuseum Lage-Hagen    Found 40x Not found 1x Note 4x Maintenance 1x

OC-Team Archived 13 June 2015 mic@ has archived the cache

Das letzte Funddatum liegt lange zurück und die Logs bei geocaching.com lassen darauf schließen, das der Cache nicht mehr zu finden ist. Aus diesem Grunde archiviere ich ihn auch hier. Sollten sich später neue Aspekte ergeben, so kann dieses Listing durch den Owner selbständig über ein "kann gesucht werden"-Log reaktiviert werden.

mic@ (OC-Support)

Found 13 March 2014 Maedchen100 found the geocache

Diese tolle Dose konnte erst auf dem 3. Blick und 3. Griff gefunden und dann geloggt werden....

Vielen Dank für's Verstecken!

Found 26 December 2013, 12:53 nachschlag found the geocache

sehr netter Cache..

Found 16 June 2013 team-stock found the geocache

hier mal ein Nachtrag völig vergessen den hier zu loggen:



Haben ihn nach etwas suchen gefunden.

danke hierfür


Found 13 April 2013 8-Rollen found the geocache

Hier habe ich den schon einen suchenden bekannten Cacher angetroffen. Zusammen mussten wir doch ein Weilchen suchen - bis die richtige Idee die Dose zum Vorschein brachte.

Gut, dass wir ausserhalb der Öffnungszeiten gesucht und gefunden haben...
