Normaler Geocache


The treasure is hidden near the Češnjevek pond, also called the Virški ponds.

von eslavko     Slowenien

N 46° 15.861' E 014° 28.349' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: klein
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Versteckt am: 04. Juli 2012
 Gelistet seit: 04. Juli 2012
 Letzte Änderung: 04. Juli 2012
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OCE6E6
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

3 gefunden
0 nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
1 Beobachter
0 Ignorierer
73 Aufrufe
1 Logbild

große Karte



Beschreibung    English

Approximately in 1910 a local called Gašperčkov Jože started digging clay on his premises. After a while he was joined by two of his friends, Jože Gašpirc and Jože Štempihar. They were digging the clay manually and formed it into bricks. They worked this way until the second world war when they stopped. After the war, in 1945 approximately, the kiln, the drying machines and the building itself were reworked. Various machines were built and the digging of clay and brick-making was restored. The activity was discontinued around 1980, while the building is still there.

Soon, water accumulated in the holes where the clay had been digged. Two larger ponds were formed and now they are used for fishing. If the winter is cold enough, the ponds are suitable for skating. Between the big ponds there is a smaller one with water-lilies. At the time of placing the cache the water-lilies are in full bloom.

There are pathways and little places around the ponds. There are only some benches beside the upper pond, beside a hut. Please park at the marked parking-place.
I wish you a pleasant time in nature.

Zusätzliche Wegpunkte   andere Koordinatensysteme

N 46° 15.955'
E 014° 28.318'
Use that parking place only!!!
Info Die zusätzlichen Wegpunkte werden bei Auswahl des Caches auf der Karte angezeigt, sind in heruntergeladenen GPX-Dateien enthalten und werden an das GPS-Gerät gesendet.


The lake.
The lake.
The water lilies
The water lilies


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Logeinträge für Cegelnica    gefunden 3x nicht gefunden 0x Hinweis 0x

gefunden 23. September 2023, 15:55 TeamMB hat den Geocache gefunden

Found during a short break on a long journey!  :) Thanks for the cache! :)

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:

gefunden 24. Juni 2017, 18:32 ryukyupyx hat den Geocache gefunden

TFTC! More later.

gefunden 25. April 2015 AJLTfamily hat den Geocache gefunden