Buscar Waypoint: 



Sepp Sommer

Schöner Wandercache mit toller Aussicht beim Final!

por j-blue     Austria > Steiermark > Graz

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N 47° 08.242' E 015° 17.010' (WGS84)

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 Tamaño: grande
Estado: archivado
 Tiempo requerido: 4:30 h 
 Ocultos en: 16. mayo 2006
 Publicado desde: 16. mayo 2006
 Última actualización: 09. septiembre 2012
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OC1E4F
También en la categoría de: geocaching.com 

9 encuentran
0 no encontrado
0 Notas
2 Observado
0 Ignorado
63 Visitas
5 Los de imagenes
Historia Geokrety

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Descripción    Deutsch (Alemán)

Sepp Sommer ist ein längerer Multicache der in einer wunderschönen Landschaft liegt,
der Ausgangspunkt ist der Parkplatz vor dem Stift Rein (http://www.stift-rein.at/).

Der cache besteht aus 5 Stationen, die 6. Station, die eine tolle Aussicht bietet, ist der Final. Je nach Kondition ist mit einer Gehzeit von ca. 2-3 h (bis zum cache) zu rechnen.
An und für sich ist der cache auch mit dem Moutainbike über eine schöne Forststraße zu erreichen, es herrscht auf einem Abschnitt des Forstwegs zwar leider Radfahrverbot, jedoch halten sich nicht viele daran. Bei Station 5 gibt es außerdem die Möglichkeit sich mit Getränken zu versorgen.

Station 1 - welcher Weg führt ans Ziel?

N 47° 08.242 E 15° 17.010
Hier findest du die Koordinaten von Station 2. Die Wanderung kann beginnen. Viel Spaß!

Station 2 - über jeden Bach führt eine Brücke:
Ein schöner Ort, der zum kurzen verweilen einlädt. Falls ihr Kinder mithabt, rechnet eine längere Pause ein, der Ort ist ein Abenteuerspielplatz der Extraklasse.

Station 3 - ein altes Gemäuer:
Die Grundmauern eines alten Gebäudes, war es vielleicht gar einmal eine Mühle?

Station 4 - ein schöner Bildstock:
Befolge den Spruch darauf und begibt dich daraufhin zur vorletzten Station.

Station 5 - die Mühlbacher Hütte:
Zeit für eine Rast und dann auf zu den letzten Metern zum cache, bald hast du es geschafft!

Station 6 - der Cache:
Genieße die schöne Aussicht, solltest du den Wunsch haben, der Namensgebung des caches auf den Grund zu gehen, dann folge den Anweisungen auf dem Zettel der im cache liegt. Wir können es nur empfehlen, selten so gelacht!

Tjukurrpa und j_blue wünschen euch viel Freude mit diesem Wandercache und nicht vergessen: DER WEG IST DAS ZIEL

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Fgngvba 1: Eüpxfrvgr



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Log de entrada por Sepp Sommer    encuentran 9x no encontrado 0x Nota 0x

encuentran 13. julio 2010 Gustus ha encontrado el geocache

Heute hab ichs nochmal versucht. Zusammen mit skihasen. Ich bin froh das er mich begleitet hat. Alleine wär ich niemals hier reingegangen.
Bei der Mühlbacherhütte haben wir den Hüttenwirt angetroffen, was mich sehr gefreut hat. Wir kennen uns schon seit 35 Jahren und waren viele Jahre Arbeitskollegen. Dann ist noch der zuständige Aufsichtsjäger dazugekommen von dem wir einige sehr interessante Informationen über das neue Wildschutzgebiet am Plesch und am Mühlbacher erfahren haben. Auch zwei hübsche Praktikantinen von der Brucker Forstakademie haben kennengelernt. Hüttenwirt Hans hat ihnen das mähen beigebracht .

encuentran 13. abril 2009 maumau22 ha encontrado el geocache

Gemeinsam mit Freunden sind wir auf die Suche nach Sepp Sommer gegangen. Eine schöne Wander-Runde. Und für deren ersten Cache haben sie ein gutes Gespür für Verstecke bewiesen. Leider hat der Akku am Rückweg nicht mehr für einen weiteren Cache gereicht. :-(
Vielleicht sollt ich mir wirklich Reserve-Akkus zulegen ;-)

encuentran 30. septiembre 2007 Rhodo Dendron ha encontrado el geocache

Schöner Abendspaziergang. Cool Oben ist die Zeit leider wie meistens zu kurz geworden, so daß fürs Ausblicke-Geniessen und vor allem für das Sepp-Sommer-Rätsel keine Zeit mehr blieb. Sehr ärgerlich. Das wird mir jetzt wahrscheinlich mein Lebtag lang keine Ruhe mehr lassen.


encuentran 14. abril 2007 DeeJay58 ha encontrado el geocache

Ui, für ein schöner Cache mit welch schönen Spaziergang. Heute hab ich auch die einzelnen Stationen gefunden und bin langsam aber stetig den Berg rauf. Bei der Hütte dann Pause eingelgt und die mitgebrachten Frankfurter verspeist.Und das alles bei knapp 25 Grad und strahlendem Sonnenschein!

Danke für diesen schönen Cache! Ach ja, die Suche hat etwas gedauert, da das GPSr ein wenig herumgesprungen ist. Aber shcließlich war es doch ganz einfach.

In: Schlüsselanhänger
Out: Hund

encuentran 16. enero 2007 gebu ha encontrado el geocache

So, den hatte ich auch schon länger im Auge, hatte ihn wegen der für mich uninteressanten Routenführung immer wieder auf die lange Bank geschoben. Da ich heute im Büro komplett unterfordert (und mehr oder weniger allein) war gings zu Mittag Richtung Rein. Alle Stationen konnten recht schnell gefunden werden, nur Stage 3 hat sich etwas länger gesträubt.

Die Kinder bei Stage 2 spielen derzeit übrigens ein Geocaching-ähnliches Spiel. Etwa 5 cm von der Filmdose entfernt ist ein Marmeladenglas mit einer mathematischen Frage drin.

Imagen para el log de entrada
Lohn der MühenLohn der Mühen
Ein bisserl muss man noch gehenEin bisserl muss man noch gehen

encuentran 20. julio 2006 orotl ha encontrado el geocache

Tsts, wer wird denn Probleme mit Brennesseln und sonstigem Gestrüpp haben?
Mit dem entsprechenden Equipment ausgerüstet (siehe Foto) ist das doch alles kein Problem [;)]

Um 08:30 von Graz aus mit dem Rad gestartet wars eine schöne nette Radtour (etwa 60km). Die Stationen allesamt schnell gefunden, bei Stage 5 gabs nur 2 beobachtende Augenpaare [8D]
Der Cache konnte sich klarerweise auch nicht lange vor unseren Blicken verstecken - die Koordinaten sind wunderbar exakt.
Danke für das Verstecken.


Imagen para el log de entrada
Probleme mit Brennesseln? Nicht doch ;-)Probleme mit Brennesseln? Nicht doch ;-)

encuentran 20. julio 2006 JulieWood_Rabat ha encontrado el geocache

Hallo miteinander
Heute diesen Cache gemeinsam mit Orotl auf dem Fahrrad gefunden. (die Fahrräder haben wir Stage 5 stehen lassen).

Stage 1: schnell gefunden.
Stage 2: wie war da mit Kinder?
Stage 3: ich freue mich bereits auf die Abfahrt
Stage 4: Ich denke nur mehr auf die Abfahrt
Stage 5: wo war der schon wieder versteckt?
Cache: Ohne Probleme Gefunden



encuentran 15. junio 2006 aj-gps ha encontrado el geocache

16:00 CEST
A nice bike drive-in, at least until stage 5.
Went there with grizz-gps by bike. Today there were a lot of muggles around, already at stage 1 a couple was waiting for a car that then picked them up - but it was no problem to retrieve the necessary information.
We then proceeded to stage 2 and obviously took the action-route across two barbed-wire fences and a cow-meadow. On our way back we then found a better path [;)]
At stage 2 there were quite some people around, even with kids, but again no problem.
Stage 3 wasn't that difficult, after a few minutes of looking around we found it.
I wonder why grizz-gps preferred to push his bike most of the way to stage 4 - I rode it all the time.
As stage 5 was open today (not just the usual take-a-drink-and-put-the-money-here stuff) we ordered some very good food and retrieved the coordinates for stage 6. There were also quite some muggles around, but I managed to retrieve the micro in a moment when noone was around. Putting it back was more difficult, as more and more people arrived at that stage, but I hope I managed to put it back without anyone noticing.
The final stage was difficult to reach, grizz-gps was waiting nearby while I was trying to find a way through the nettles. By the way, it seems that Turkish jeans are not made to resist Styrian nettles at all [xx(]
Found the box within seconds after making my way through the wilderness. A very nice cache, but I think that the final could be placed at a position thats easier to reach - especially in summer, when people go for it without wearing long trousers. Next time I'd take my geocaching pocket knife with the motor scythe and the mobile flame thrower with me .. [:)]
On the way back down the hill I noticed that we had, in fact, ascended for quite some time. Ah, now I know why he was pushing his bike... [;)]


encuentran 20. mayo 2006 cezanne ha encontrado el geocache

When I realized that the rain had stopped in the early morning, I decided to visit this cache today. One of the reasons for my decision was that the previous finders reported that it might be hard to search for Stage 5 at days with nice weather. I hoped that not that many people would go for a longer hike today, and in fact that turned out to be true.
On the whole hike I only met three people, namely an elderly man between Stages 1 and 2 and two nordic walkers between Stages 2 and 3. Surprisingly, there was not a single person in the area around the refuge.

But let's now start the story at the beginning. I left my car at the parking lot of the monastery on Rein and started for Stage 1. Fortunately, the hideout was obvious at this stage as I would have liked to search around due to the nearby houses. I quickly headed off for Stage 2 which was located at exactly the place where I had expected it to be already when I had had a look at the map at home. Although I did not know what to search for at this stage either, I found what needs to be found very quickly. The coordinates where somewhat off, but that did not matter and was probably due to my old GPS and the wet trees. As I had no children with me, I continued immediately to the next stage.

At Stage 3 I was glad that a hint was available to seped up the search. This was the only stage, except the final cache of course, which I could not prelocate at home by means of a map - I knew beforehand only along which path Stage 3 needs to be searched for.

For the way from the starting point until Stage 3 (actually even a little bit further) neither a MTB for an average MTB-fitness are required. Even I could have easily ridden my bike (a normal bike designed to be used on streets) up to Stage 3 and would have been exhausted at all. The route appears to be ideally suited for those who like jogging in quiet areas, but prefer easy terrain with no ascents. I was rather glad that the way from Stage 3 to Stage 4 did not stay that flat as the way before. I prefer hikes that involve ascents - it feels simply good when one has reached the highest point and can look downwards.

The route I took from Stage 3 to Stage 4 was certainly suboptimal. I stayed too long on the marked hiking path and then did not want to go back to the last crossing - so I climbed up a slope to reach the next logging road which was, however, not the one which led me to Stage 4. I had to walk back for about 200 meters and again a made a small short cut to reach yet another logging road. After a few further minutes I arrived at Stage 4 and was quickly successful. This place was new to me and I liked it, but I did not appreciate that much the hideout.

The path from Stage 4 to Stage 5 was again comfortable and easy. Soon I arrived at the refuge. It was not my first visit to the Muehlbacher Huette (hut) - I visited it already several times, the first visit has taken place ages ago when I still went to school. I was quite surprised to learn from Gert's log that there exist hiking destinations in the Graz area unknown to him, but familiar to me.

As there were no people at the hut today (which was closed BTW) and as the hint provided at the previous stage is precise, I was quickly successful. I agree with the previous finders - on a nice Sunday afternoon it must be very hard to search for Stage 5. After knowing the coordinates of the final cache, I immediately headed off to the cache. Like the previous finders I was not successful in finding a path leading to the target area.

Unlike them I did not fight so much with stinging nettles, but with a very dense forest area. When going back from the cache to the refuge, I found a better way. Perhaps it might make sense to a give a recommendation in the cache description for a direction from which the cache might be approached nicely. It appears to me that making a detour and refraining from following the pointer of the GPS is meaningful in any case, but one has also to be careful not to arrive in a forest area with some young, small trees mixed among the older ones as it should be avoided to cross such areas in a trackless manner.

I also encountered stinging nettles, but at this time of the year they posed no problem. I dad expected the situation to be worse due to the previous logs. One has to see, however, how the situation will evolve. In any case, do not come in shorts in Summer.

Due to the logical hideout and the quite exact coordinates, I had no problems to find the cache. The cache box and its contents are in good condition. I did not follow the recommendation given in the cache as the refuge was closed and I was moreover eager to continue my hike.

As the weather had stayed dry and I was not that eager to use the same route for going back to my car than I had used in the ascent, I decided to take the Kaschlsteig for my descent. Moreover, I felt that I could need some practice also in a terrain a bit more difficult than the terrain of the route of this cache from Stage 1 to Stage 5.

The Kaschlsteig is my favourite path to the Muehlbacher hut and I can recommend it to everyone who prefers a scenic hiking path to following the same logging roads twice. For those who do not mind steep descents, path number 34 (Jaegersteig) might be another alternative. (I once used that path together with Alice in early April and at that time some parts of the path were terribly slippery and the descent seemed to be like an eternity to me - I have never used the path since then.)

Even today I had some nice views down to the valley and the surrounding mountains. Note, however, that this route is longer and that it has the disadvantage that the walk from Enzenbach to Rein is not that spectacular. Those who come by bus, can, however, board the bus already at Enzenbach and shorten the walk in this manner.

I enjoyed the hike very much. I liked the fact that the stages are not so close to each other as it appears to become more and more common in recent geocaches. Personally, I would have preferred a description that gives away less details - the route of the cache was clear to me right from the beginning and there was no surprise involved where the cache would lead me to next.

My pure walking time was about 3.5 hours (including two mistakes, the ones between Stage 3 and Stage 4 and the other one on the way from Enzenbach to Rein where I missed one crossing which caused a longer detour).

Thanks j_blue and Tjukurrpa for a very nice cache.