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Zünfte, Brand & Revolution

Historical walkabout through Reutlingen

by Pinsleepe     Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Reutlingen

N 48° 29.364' E 009° 12.929' (WGS84)

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 Size: small
Status: Available
 Time required: 1:30 h   Route: 2.5 km
 Hidden on: 11 January 2008
 Listed since: 12 January 2008
 Last update: 17 January 2009
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC4E6A

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Description    Deutsch  ·  English

This translation may contain different information than the original (german) version. However, there are no differences within the stages, but some descriptions had to be adapted. A printer-friedly, slightly shortened version is hosted here.

A historical walk through Reutlingen

First traces of settlement of this area could have been dated to 400-500 AC. In 1030 Earl Egino setteled in and built his castle - the Achalm. The first time Reutlingen was named in a document was 1089/90.

Unfortunatelly most of the city was destroyed during the great fire in 1726. During WWII 25% of the city was destroyed in just 4 air-strikes. So, not much is left of the ancient city. The rest should be part of this little walkabout.

The cache itself has a size of 600ml, lasts 1.5-2 houres for the 2.5 km and is suitable for children as well as their parents. It can perfectly be combined with 'Klein-Venedig' (GCNA8C) and E.N.G. (GCT7JK). The museums on the way are opened Tuesday - Saturday 11-17, Thursday 11-19 and Sanday 11-18, Monday closed. The 'Naturkundemuseum' (natural history) is sort of interactive and very suitable for children.

Cafés, bars and restaurats can be foand everywhere.

Free parking is possible at N48° 29.352 E09° 13.136 or N48° 29.195 E09° 13.096.

Stage 1: N48° 29.364 E09° 12.929

The inscription tells you that this tower had been used to store ice (in the meaning of frozen water).

Q: Up to which year, this tower had been used to store the ice? 1A06

The great fire lasting for two days in September 1726 was reflected in a newspaper of the time. The article says that about 8 to 9 pm on Sept. 23 1726, as everybody was about to sleep the fire started of at the shabby home of a shoemaker. It took the citicens two days to fight against the fire and hard winds. In the end 900 homes, including church as schools burnt down.

If you walk on you can still see traces of the fire which took down about 90% of the city and 60% of the city wall.

Stage 2: N48° 29.4(A-5)5 E09° 12.A77

The signs tell you about the city wall. If you look at the one facing the path you came along, you can see some numeres telling you in which century (Jahrhandert) this building had been taken down.

Q: First digit gives you B.

Stage 3: N48° 29.45(A-B) E09° 12.A45

As everybody is looking for something special, Reutlingen decided to get a note in the famous 'Guinness World Records Book'. This is it. By the way: Guinness dedicates this official path two pages.

Q: How narrow is this street? C1 cm

Stage 4: N48° 29.5(72-C) E09° 12.80(B+C)

The sign on the wall tells you about the story of this building.

Q: The given year asked for tells you when this building had been permanantly opened for traffic. 170D

As you proceed your walkabout to the next stage, you are crossing a big place - guess which :)

At this place once stood the town hall - built in renaissance-style and lost at the fire. The new ton hall can be foand at the southern edge of the place - the one with the 'moat'. If you turn aroand (north-west) you can see the 'Spitalhof'. If its open (which it is most of the time), take a look inside. Once it was a hospital and nursing home, nowadays you can find here the music school, a small theatre ('Die Tonne') and a part of the 'Friedrich List Gymnasium' (named after F. List, 1789-1846, honoured citizen and railroad-pioneer).

Lets go back to history:

1180 Reutlingen received the right to hold markets

1220-1240 the status as city followed and ended in the status of a 'Freie Reichsstadt' which meant those days that a city was directly subordinated to the emperor. This implemented different rights and normaly raised the overall wealth amoung citizens. This status lasted until the napolean hegemony (1802). Maybe thats why the citizens took their chances in the revolution in March 1848. In 1859 the 'Neckar-Alb-Bahn' a railway to Plochingen was established and the industrialisation started. At the end of the 19th century the sozialist and sozialdemokratic labour movent reached Reutlingen.

After WWII the city was occupied by french soldiers, nonviolently due to the afterwards (1945) democrately elected mayor Oskar Kalbfell (reelected until 1973).

Stage 5: N48° 29.5D(2*C) E09° 12.6BC

Q: How many spokes does the wheel have? = E

Stage 6: N48° 29.4(E+B)7 E09° 12.5CD

Q: Which house number can you find at this building? = F

Ahead of you, you can see a clock. Surroanding it you see four images of craftsmen, representing their guild. Three of them represent profesions which made Reutlingen well known during industrialisation. By then the industry of Reutlingen produced clothing. The fourth image shows a tanner. This profession gave the name of the next quarter you enter at stage 7a (N48° 29.534 E09° 12.515).

Stage 7b: N48° 29.ECD E09° 12.58F

Q: When was this church built? 1G58

On the fountain next to you can see two tanners working. Every year there is a big event called 'Gerbertaufe'. During this event the graduates of this world-wide known school have to dive in the fountain - disregarding the weather.

Stage 8: N48° 29.(B+C)6G E09° 12.F5(E+G-B)

Q: How many spickes can you count at the pastry in the bakers basket? = H

Here you can see the 12 guilds of Reutlingen. Even the tanner can be foand again. The existance of the guilds expired in 1862 - three years after the establishment of the 'Neckar-Alb-Bahn'. The questioned pastry is star-shaped and one of Reutlingen's culinary specialities. It is called 'Mutschel' (spoken as nutshell with m). Each of the spikes represents one of the congegations of Reutlingen and the Achalm is placed in the middle. The braid represents the unity. Each year on the first Thursday after Jannuary 6. the citizens of Reutlingen throw dices to win some of these pastries - even some bars take part. Other culinary specialities are 'Seele', 'Kimmicher' - a scone with caraway - and the 'Schiedwecken' - calf pie.

Stage 9: N48° 29.4HD E09° 12.HGF

Q: In which year the battering ram was removed? 1J47

This is one of the oldest buildings of Reutlingen. Starting in 1247 it took nearly 100 years (until 1343) to finish it. It was built as gothic basilica but you can find late-romanistic style-elements at the choir area.

The story about this building includes a battering ram. In 1247 Reutlingen was sieged by the ennemys of the Staufen. At that time they promised the Mother of Jesus - Maria - a chapell if they would overcome. As the troups draw-off, they left a battering ram (Rammbock), the so called 'Reutlinger Sturmbock'. It was removed at the will of emporer Maximilian II. You can see a replica at the side of the building (here you also find the 'Naturkundemuseum').

Since 1519 this church is - despite its name - protestant. Reutlingen early (1530) confessed to the Lutheran Protestantism. Afterwards only protestants could obtain citizenship.

Stage 10: N48° 29.4(G-B)C E09° 12.E(C+B)F

Q: Which numer does this building have? Geb. Nr: K

This is a small part of the numerous cloister-buildings in Reutlingen. If open, you can enter and find some parts of the 'Marienkirche' - taken off during the renewal.

Final: N48° 29.(K-2)FA E09° 12.(F-D)(C+J)K

The river 'Echaz' is like a river of life for Reutlingen. Surely it was one of the reasons for first settlements and had great importance during industrialisation.

Have fun and good luck on your journey through Reutlingen.

Jenny and Pinsleepe

Additional hint  

At the other end of 37, beneath.



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Log entries for Zünfte, Brand & Revolution    Found 30x Not found 1x Note 1x

Found 30 March 2024 MOT09 found the geocache

  • Diesen schönen  Multi habe ich in  meiner homezone bereits am 28.07.2010 auf geocaching.com geloggt und habe ihn erst jetzt auch hier auf opencaching.de entdeckt - gerne logge ich ihn (mit aktuellem Datum) auf dieser Plattform nach.

Vielen Dank an Pinsleepe fürs Legen und die beständige Pflege des inzwischen ziemlich alten Caches 'Zünfte, Brand & Revolution'. Es grüsst MOT09

Found 09 August 2021, 18:44 Pinsleepe found the geocache

Lange ist es her ... In den letzten 13 Jahren hat sich bei uns und den Cache so manches geändert.

Wir haben den Cache vor einiger Zeit weitergegeben und damals dieses Listing nicht mitgeben.

Auf GC findet ihr die aktuelle Version unter dem Selben Namen.

Not found 07 February 2021, 09:00 MehefinHaul did not find the geoacache

Die Stadträtsel haben wir schon vor einiger Zeit gelöst, sehr schöne Einführung als neue Reutlinger :).
Leider können wir den Cache am Ende auch nach mehreren Ansätzen nicht finden. Gibt's den denn noch?
Viele Grüße

Found The geocache is in good or acceptable condition. Recommended 12 November 2017, 14:30 Schnullebacke found the geocache

Auch heute war wieder so ein typischer Novembertag mit viel Regen. Da Familienbesuch auf der Alb anstand wollten wir davor noch einen Stadtcache machen, das geht zur Not auch mit Regenschirm. Kaum waren wir in Reutlingen hörte der Regen auf und wir konnten unsere Runde ohne Schirm starten. So kamen wir an vielen schönen historischen Stellen vorbei, die wir bisher noch nicht kannten. Die Fragen ließen sich gut beantworten und so ging es von einer Stage zur nächsten. An Stage 9 ging dann der Regen wieder los. Wir konnten die letzten 2 Stages noch machen, dann wurde der Regen so stark, dass wir zurück ans Cachemobil gingen wo wir pitsche patsche nass angekommen sind, denn der Schirm lag im Auto. So fuhren wir auf einen Parkplatz in der Nähe des Finals und gingen noch mit Schirm geschützt zu den ermittelten Final-Koordinaten. Auch wenn diese im Off sind - durch den Hint konnte das Dösle schnell gefunden und das Logbuch erfolgreich signiert werden.

Für die schöne Runde hinterlassen wir hier gerne eine Empfehlung.

Vielen Dank für diesen Multi auf unserer heutigen Tour durch Reutlingen und liebe Grüße an Pinsteepe von Schnullebacke aus Marbach am Neckar

Pictures for this log entry:
Eine der SehenswürdigkeitenEine der Sehenswürdigkeiten

Found 29 July 2016, 12:39 serpit found the geocache

Dieser Multi ließ mich heute die Stadt Reutlingen sehr intensiv kennenlernen. Eine gute Ortskenntnis und Überlegen ersparte mir manchmal sogar das Ausrechnen der Koordinaten für die nächste Stage. So konnte ich mich schon mehr der Aussicht hingeben.  ;) Am Final angekommen war das Finden der Dose dann auch nicht schwer. Etwas geärgert hab ich mich dann allerdings über die Tretminen der hier entlanglaufenden Vierbeinmuggels, von denen ich direkt am Final eine erwischt hatte. Ein Glück, dass wir die Echaz haben. So konnte es dann am Ende doch noch ohne Ekel und olfaktorische Belästigung meiner Mitmenschen weitergehen. :)
