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Drive-In Geocache

Forts de Liege - Fleron

di Lion & Aquaria     Belgio > Prov. Liège > Arr. Liège

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 50° 37.303' E 005° 41.535' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: piccola
Stato: archiviata
 Tempo necessario: 0:10 h 
 Nascosta il: 23. aprile 2006
 Pubblicata dal: 24. aprile 2006
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 07. ottobre 2010
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1CAA
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

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21 Pagina visite
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Storia Geoketry

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Descrizione    English (Inglese)

In the 19th century (1887 - 1892) 12 forts were built around Liège (Lüttich / Luik) to protect this important city against attackers from each direction. For WWII 4 more forts were added. This is one of these 12 + 4 forts around Liège: The fort Fléron

The fort Fléron is located about 8km south-eastern of Liége. It's area is about 12 hectare so it is one of the bigger ones. It is formed like a triangle to minimize the attackable surface of walls.

On the area of this fort a housing estate has been built. You can still see the hillock which is typical for every fort. The only part which can still bee seen is the ventilation tower which was added when this fort was prepared for WWII.

The cache is located nearby this tower.

Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

[ENGL] sbbg bs n gerr - qb abg zbir gur fgbarf (funec!)
[FR] cvrq q'ha neoer - ar cnf qrcynpre yrf cvreerf (nvth!)



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