Virtueller Geocache

Weinheim Trift Earthcache

Geological site in Alzey-Weinheim

von Lakritz     Deutschland > Rheinland-Pfalz > Alzey-Worms

N 49° 44.417' E 008° 04.340' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: kein Behälter
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Zeitaufwand: 0:15 h   Strecke: 0.1 km
 Versteckt am: 23. November 2004
 Gelistet seit: 14. Juni 2006
 Letzte Änderung: 14. Juni 2006
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC2042
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

46 gefunden
1 nicht gefunden
1 Hinweis
3 Beobachter
1 Ignorierer
629 Aufrufe
53 Logbilder

große Karte


Beschreibung    Deutsch  ·  English

About 30 million years ago, in the so called oligocene, the valley of Weinheim was a bay on the east coast of a peninsula. In those times the sea had flooded most of the land southwest of Mayence (Mainz) and the climate was much warmer. At the "Trift" you can see what the ground of the sea looked like. The sand has been washed away from the 280 million years old rocks of the nearby shores.
The most common fossils are mussels and snails, which you can see as white objects in the sand wall. There are also remains of fish, especially shark's teeth, bones of manatees, and remains of small animals and plants. In the middle part of the wall there are knot-like structures which are holes, digged by animals like crayfish and worms, and filled up with different material afterwards. In the close-grained sediment you can see clearly U-shaped concentrations of coarse sand and fine gravel, which were made by rays searching for food.

After the sand had settled, lime precipitation came about in certain circumstances and grouted the layers, so they are more likely to weather out.

The "Trift" has attracted geologists and paleontologists for more than 150 years. Many natural history museums have fossils from here. The caves in the lower part of the wall were made in WWII and used as air raid shelter.

To find your way to the "Trift" after your arrival in Weinheim follow the green signs "Naturdenkmal Trift".

Additional note: Please respect the fences that protect the sand walls of the Trift and also the private property (signs saying "Privatgrundstück, betreten verboten!") next to the site. Thank you!

To log this cache as a find, upload a photo of you and your GPSr in front of the sand wall. Logs without appropriate photos will be deleted.


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Logeinträge für Weinheim Trift Earthcache    gefunden 46x nicht gefunden 1x Hinweis 1x

gefunden 02. Juli 2022, 10:55 DieSchmeiers hat den Geocache gefunden

Schöne Gegend. Danke.

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:
Bild 1Bild 1

gefunden 28. April 2022, 10:40 Abahallo hat den Geocache gefunden

Very interesting, plus a nice view!  Thanks for showing this place, and for taking care! Greetings from Denmark, Belgium, and Germany! Abahallo!:   Beate & Hermann, TFTC !!! 28. April 2022 10:40

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:
Bild 1Bild 1

gefunden 05. September 2019, 20:32 Muesman hat den Geocache gefunden

5. September 2019 15:32

gefunden 28. November 2015 hmpfgnrrr hat den Geocache gefunden

Den GC-Earthcache habe ich bereits vor einer halben Ewigkeit gemacht. Heute bin ich im Rahmen der "ars vini"-Letterbox wieder mal hierher gekommen.


Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:
hmpfgnrrr @ Weinheim Trift Earthcachehmpfgnrrr @ Weinheim Trift Earthcache

gefunden 28. September 2015 Schadi hat den Geocache gefunden

Auf dem Rückweg vom "Küstenweg Rheinhessen" ins Nachtquartier in Alzey kam ich noch an der Weinheimer Trift vorbei und machte die paar Schritte hinauf zu diesem "Virtual Earthcache". Eine beeindruckende Formation, noch dazu von quasi weltweiter Bedeutung. In der einbrechenden Dämmerung konnte ich das gewünschte Bild gerade noch machen.

Danke für den OC-Earthcache!

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:
Schadi an der Weinheimer TriftSchadi an der Weinheimer Trift