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Small multi cache by the Zopfkapelle in Östringen

di anke+chris     Germania > Baden-Württemberg > Karlsruhe, Landkreis

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 49° 12.645' E 008° 42.060' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: piccola
Stato: archiviata
 Tempo necessario: 0:45 h   Lunghezza percorso: 1.0 km
 Nascosta il: 28. aprile 2007
 Pubblicata dal: 08. maggio 2007
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 20. gennaio 2016
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC35E8
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

30 trovata
1 non trovata
6 Note
2 Log manutenzione
7 Osservata
0 Ignorata
453 Pagina visite
0 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry

Mappa grande



Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)

ATTENTION: Since 2009-03-28 new final - note new final calculation and cache size.

This cache is a small multi, which takes you to the Zopfkapelle ("Zopf-chapel") in Östringen and would take less than a hour. It just tooks as half a hour to hide the cache. You could park your car at the given position. Mostly there is some place. Than go to N 49° 12.635' E 008° 42.111' (Zopfkapelle).

Because we don't whant to have a too boring cache, you must answer some questions about the chapel to solve the final coordinates. Because the chapel is not open everyday, there are two versions for this Cache: An "indoor"- and an "outdoor"-version.


Version 1: The chapel is open.

Info: For answering the questions, you must be able to read german.

Question 1:

How mutch Gulden was the stock (Fond) which was available by the family Zopf by the edification of the chapel?
A = _ _

Question 2:

By the legend of this location, there was murdered someone. Who or what was this?
B = _ (count of the letters - german word!)

Question 3:

When was the fourth renovation of the chapel? Cross sum of the date (year).
C = _ _

Question 4:

For which anniversary was a complete renovation of the chapel done by Pfarrer (Referend) Göbel?
D = _ _ _

The calculation to the final:

N 49° 12.(A * C + 112)'
E 08° 42.(D - B - 23)'


Version 2: The chapel is closed.

A = __ count of the windows of the chapel - no. "upper" hiking trail (Wanderweg) (as long the "upper" hiking trail is not available: use "lower" hiking trail + 2)

B = __ count of the horizontal woods of the cross on the top of the chapel

C = __ no. "upper" hiking trail (Wanderweg) (as long the "upper" hiking trail is not available: use "lower" hiking trail + 2)

D = __ count of the windows of the chapel - count of the window segments above the chapel door

E = __ position in the alphabet of the last letter of the word on the metal thing in the right of the wall (A = 1 ... Z = 26)

F = __ no. "lower" hiking trail (Wanderweg)

G = __ count of the windows on the backside of the chapel

H = __ 4th digit of the year of the chapel

I = __ count of the window segments above the chapel door - count of the horizontal woods of the cross on the top of the chapel


N 49° AB.(CDE - 33)'
E 08° FB.(GHI - 25)'


Have a lot of fun
Anke and Chris

Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

Pebff sbe zvahgrf qrpvzny cynpr: Abegu: sbhegrra / Rnfg: rvtug
SVANY: Va oernfg urvtug



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Log per Zopfkapelle    trovata 30x non trovata 1x Nota 6x Manutenzione 2x

OC-Team archiviata 20. gennaio 2016 Opencaching.de ha archiviato la cache

Dieser Cache ist seit mehr als 6 Monaten „momentan nicht verfügbar“; daher wird er automatisch archiviert. Er kann vom Besitzer jederzeit instand gesetzt und reaktiviert werden.

OC-Team temporaneamente non disponibile 28. maggio 2015 mic@ ha disabilitato la cache

Bitte bei Statusänderungen, die bei geocaching.com durchgeführt werden, auch immer hier den Status ändern.
Analog zu GC setze ich den Status für diesen Cache jetzt auf "Momentan nicht verfügbar". Sobald der Cache wieder gesucht werden kann, so kann dieses Listing durch den Owner selbstständig über ein "kann gesucht werden"-Log reaktiviert werden.
Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen kannst du gerne mich oder das Team kontaktieren.

mic@ (OC-Support)

trovata 20. luglio 2014 Calandra ha trovato la geocache

Outdoor-Variante. Hübsche Kapelle und schneller Multi, genau das Richtige bei dem Wetter dfdc

trovata 12. maggio 2014 EndeGelände ha trovato la geocache

So jetzt aber; nachdem das Kappelchen schon seit einige Zeit auf der Liste stand, konnten wir heute endlich den "Zopf abschneiden"
Da die Kapelle geschlossen war, kam Plan B zum Einsatz. Nach dem Lösen der Aufgaben ging es schnurstracks zum Döschen.

Danke für's her führen

trovata 13. settembre 2013 heitlinger2008 ha trovato la geocache

Heute auf der Fahrradrunde in die Nähe gekommen und die offene Kapelle bewundert. Einiges gelernt und den Cache gut gefunden. Das Log"buch" müsste wohl mal erneuert werden. DFD interessanten Cache.
TB out