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Nota 27. dicembre 2008 cezanne ha scritto una nota

About one year ago I wrote that this cache drives my crazy and this is even more true now.

In Spring I fixed another problem with Stage 1 (the old hiking signs have been removed and exchanged by new ones with a different contents). A few weeks ago I finally managed to visit Stages 2 and 3 and to come up with a
change for Stage 2b and a reasonable fix for Stage 3. I did not want to reactivate the cache again, however, before having visited the final stage of the cache.

Today I managed to visit Stage 5 and already on my way to this stage I got quite shocked about the "chainsaw massacre" that takes place at various locations in the area at the moment. I even had to take a detour to reach the cache area.

At first I was relieved since it appeared to me that the cache area has not been effected. So I started to search for my own cache. Somehow I was not able to find the right location. At first I thought that the snow makes things look differently. After a while I got quite frustrated. At this time I already have made my decision to archive this cache as I cannot think of a suitable alternative hideout area that will be spared from further forestry works.

Nevertheless I continued my search as I wanted to refrain from leaving geolitter. I then switched over to looking also near tree stumps even if they did not look to be fresh ones and after a while I really succeeded and found the cache container. The hideout area looked very different than at the occasion of my last visit, but the cache container was surprisingly still in good condition. I took the container with me. Maybe I will reuse it for a new cache that I have mind and that I intend to hide next spring (if noone else hides a cache in the area I have in mind before me).

It was not an easy decision to archive this cache as this cache and the area where it is hidden are linked with many emotions. As I do not see any chance to turn the cache again into a cache that is acceptable for myself, I had to give up, however.

My special excuses go to those cachers that have already solved the homework part and never managed to visit the cache. I have put quite some effort in maintaining this cache (Stage 4 is the only one that never caused any troubles), but finally it is time to give up and say good-bye to this cache. Quino, to whom this cache has been devoted to, has left the place already quite a while ago. Moreover, by now there exist several traditional caches quite close to stages of this cache. So maybe it was just time for this cache to be archived.

trovata 30. marzo 2008 Rhodo Dendron ha trovato la geocache

Den Wegweiser bei Station 1 konnte ich leider nicht finden, aber Cezanne hat mir die Info freundlicherweise zukommen lassen. (Wir meinen: Der ist wohl einer umfangreichen Wanderwegneubeschilderung zum Opfer gefallen.) Alle anderen Stationen liessen sich dann aber problemlos lösen (bis auf Station 3 natürlich - die Zauberformel hab ich ebenfalls von Cezanne bezogen). Eine kleine Herausforderung war vielleicht das Schild bei S2b, das schon so dermaßen verwachsen ist, daß man es regelrecht suchen muß. Also, falls hier ein Beschilderungsverantwortlicher mitliest - wir Cacher kommen damit schon zurecht, aber das Schild ist wohl aus einem bestimmten Grund aufgestellt worden, oder? Absolut keine Probleme gab's mit dem Cache und seinem Versteck: Alles absolut intakt und wohlauf. Die Umgebung hat zwar durch Sturm Paula und "Heavy Woodworking" tatsächlich nicht gerade an Charme gewonnen, aber dafür hat's jetzt ein kleines "Tischchen" direkt neben dem Versteck, was ich persönlich als sehr praktisch empfunden habe.


trovata 02. dicembre 2006 Waldschratbrigade TLU ha trovato la geocache

Nachdem uns die Cacheownerin die Zauberformel geflüstert hat, sind wir los, um den Schatz zu heben.
Schöner Spaziergang, beim Final haben wir Lamas gesehen!

Nota 19. novembre 2006 cezanne ha scritto una nota

[EN:] Apparently I am since quite some time almost the only one who visit this cache. Today I visited the area again. While the final cache is fine, the micro at Stage 3 is missing (again strangely the plastic bag was still there). I probably will replace it by a virtual stage as the cache is visited so irregularly lately.

[DE:] Endcache ok - die Filmdose bei Station 3 fehlt.
Da der Cache mittlerweile so selten besucht wird, werde ich die Station wohl in eine virtuelle Station umwandeln.

Nota 05. dicembre 2005 cezanne ha scritto una nota

[DE:] Ich habe die fiktiven Start-Koordinaten ein wenig verschoben, um DeeJay58s Park Cache #5 nicht im Weg zu sein.

[EN:] I have move the fictive starting coordinates of this cache somewhat in order to avoid collisions with Deejay58 park cache #5.

Nota 16. ottobre 2005 cezanne ha scritto una nota

[EN:] I checked the final cache today and the micro recently. The micro was still at its place, but not covered at all. I covered it again with some camouflage material. Please make sure that the fil canister is not lying around openly.

The final cache has unfortunately disappeared. Probably an animal has stepped down some stones. I have hidden a new cache box at a new hideout close to the old hideout and within the tolerance of the GPS. I uploaded new spoiler photographs which I recommend you to take with you. Please make sure to hide the cache properly.

[DE:] Habe den Endcache heute überprüft und den Micro kürzlich. Der Micro war vor Ort an seinem angestammten Platz, aber lag offen ohne Abdeckung herum. Ich habe ihn neu abgedeckt. Bitte sorgsam wiederverstecken.

Der Endcache ist leider verschwunden. Vielleicht hat ein Tier Steine runtergetreten. Ich habe einen neuen Behälter versteckt in der Nähe des altes Verstecks und innerhalb der Toleranz der GPS-Genauigkeit. Ich habe neue Spoiler-Bilder auf den Server geladen, die ich empfehle bei der Suche mitzunehmen. Bitte den Cache wieder sorgsam verstecken.

trovata 29. aprile 2005 JulieWood_Rabat ha trovato la geocache

Hallo miteinander
Nachdem Stage 0 schon länger fertig war haben Angi und ich endlich einmal zeit gehabt den Cache zu suchen. War wieder einmal ein netter Nachmittag.

Out: TB Irish Dream
In Yellow New Beattle

trovata 31. gennaio 2005 aj-gps ha trovato la geocache

17:30 CET
After having found the solutions for stage 0 ages ago I did stage 1 about two weeks ago. Yesterday I went for the other stages, but made a small mistake, so I didn't get the right values. After calculating the right ones I went there today with a flashlight.

IN : TB Irish Dream (by ettt) "Sorry, master, was busy having a pint y'day, so I forgot about our meeting, sorry"
OUT: small horse

trovata 02. luglio 2003 Edorian ha trovato la geocache

Today I finally found this cache. There is no other cache for which I needed that many attempts. It all began when Cezanne placed the cache. As soon as it was put online I quickly solved stage 0 with the help of internet search engines. Later that day I went to stage 1, because I was in the area, but I had no time to go on to stage 2.

A few days later Gert and Anti had already found and logged the cache so I knew a first-find was no longer possible. Nevertheless I went to stage 2, calculated the coordinates of stage 3 and went there through the forest. (Not the shortest way possible [:)])

At that time there was only one hint for the micro-cache and no spoiler photos. I searched for quite some time but without success.

A long time passed and when I was in the area again I went to stage 3 once more, this time with both hints, but it was on a Sunday and there were many people in the area, so I left after a short search.

Once more some weeks passed.

Two weeks ago I decided to search the remaining caches on the northern edge of Graz. At home I calculated the coordinates for stage 4 and I looked on the map where it was. Then I went to stage 3 once more, but there was a barbecue with many families and there were lots of children close to the cache, hunting for wolves. Apparently they were not sure whether I was hunting for wolves myself, in league with them or maybe a wolf in disguise. Fact is they watched every step of mine. I saw the tree that is shown on one of the spoiler photos but I had to walk on and return to my car, because it would have been impossible retrieving the cache without the children watching. I drove to stage 4, looked up the numbers and went on to the cache Qunio II. After I had finished that cache I returned to stage 3, but the barbecue was still going one.

Yesterday, after finding the Andritz cache, I drove to stage 3, but the parking lot was crowded with cars and there were even more people around than the last time and hordes of children in the forest. So once again I left without finding the micro-cache.

When I went there today there was only one other car on the parking lot and I could retrieve the cache undisturbed. There were people walking in the area, but it was no problem. I wrote down the magic formula and calculated the coordinates for stage 5. I looked on the map, guessed where stage 5 would be and drove to the other side of the forest because I didn't want to walk far. I left my car about 250m from the location of the final cache.

When I arrived there after a short walk I began searching for the cache, but since I had not printed out the spoiler photos I had to search for quite a while. The hints were helpful.

When I had retrieved the cache and all the plastic bags were spread out in the area I heard someone moving along the path, but fortunately the hiding place really can't be seen from there.

Thanks Cezanne for this challenging cache which sure offers a nice walk unless you do it drive in style, like I did. [:)]

Out: Travel-bug
In: Horse-stickers

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