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Found 15 June 2006 gebu found the geocache

Mit Hefi aus der Teiglitschschlucht aus angegangen - war zwar schon recht oft in dieser Ecke, kannte die Ruine aber noch nicht.

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Found 15 June 2006 styrian bastards found the geocache

Sehr schöner cache.

no trade

Found 28 May 2006 cezanne found the geocache

My second cache today. This cache was on my to do list for a long time, but somehow I never managed to visit the area when I had time and when the weather would have been fitting for a gebu 3.5* cache. Today I did not follow the suggested route in the cache description because I did not have much time and I was already very close to the coordinates of this cache due to my visit of the old Leonroth ruin cache by frustus and Renata.

When I had had a look at the map at home, I was not sure whether it would be possible for me to approach this cache directly from the ruin, but I wanted to give it a try and have a look at the area around the ruin anyway. The direct approach turned out to be no problem at all, not even for me. The only problem was the bad GPS-reception, but fortunately I had had a look at the spoiler picture a while ago and therefore knew for what type of object I would need to search. After a while I arrived at the right object and found the cache quickly. The cache container and its contents are in good condition. After visiting the cache, I went to a nearby place from which one can see the steepness of the slopes down into the gorge. After a short break there I returned to the ruin and from there went back to my car.

I will certainly come again and approach this cache from the direction of the gorge. As I want to show the gorge to Alice, it is even an advantage that I visited the cache today from the other side. Nevertheless I regret a little bit that the cache now became a traditional cache. Perhaps at least the intermediary waypoints of the old version of the cache could provided in the new version of the cache description (in case this cache is intended to stay a traditional cache). I am wondering by the way whether the terrain rating 3.5* still applies - it was not clear to me which variant of the old description the new description refers to the - to the comfortable one or to the sportive one. Moreover, I recommend to mention in the cache description that in order to reach the suggested starting point, one needs to drive through the power station (something some cachers might be reluctant about in particular if they are not sure that they are on the right path).

Thanks for showing me a nice area I have never been to before.

No trade

Found 30 September 2005 j-blue found the geocache

Unbedingt genug Zeit für diesen Cache einplanen, denn sonst wird es gruselig und auch gefährlich. Ich bin jedenfalls froh, dass ich die Taschenlampe dabei hatte und sie nicht wie ursprünglich geplant aus dem Rucksack rausgetan habe.

Found 30 September 2005 DeeJay58 found the geocache

 Zuerst gaaanz falsch bei Stage 2 (sportlich) gesucht! Dann den vermutlich richtigen Überhang gefunden und aufgegeben, weil wir nicht weiter wussten. Also auf die gemütliche Variante umgestiegen, alles gefunden und auf dem Weg zum cache begann es zu dämmern. Als wir bei der Cache Location waren ware es beinahe ganz dunkel und wir suchten ein wenig herum. Nach 5min dann die Dose lokalisiert, jsut in dem Augenblick, als wir umdrehen wolltten (daher auch keinen Eintrag mehr vorgenommern, es war wirklich schon sehr dunkel). Der Rückweg war spannend (weil finster). Gut, dass wir eine (schwache) Lampe und Cachehund Auka dabei hatten. Letzterer sah noch gut und führte uns zielsicher am gleichen Weg zurück, über den wir gekommen waren!

Die Stage 2 (gemütlich) war sehr feucht. Der Micro war zur Hälfte mit Wasser voll! Allerdings war die Schrift noch gut lesbar! Ein Austausch wäre aber durchaus sinnvoll!


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