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Nota 03. junio 2006 cezanne han escrito una nota

EN:] As the micro at Stage 2 appears to be missing again (at least I could not find it) and since this cache has not got any visitors for seven months although it is not located in the mountains, I decided to archive it (it stayed much longer than originally intended anyway). Moreover, there is another cache nearby which still leaves you the chance to visit this area.

[DE:] Da der Micro bei Station wieder abhanden gekommen zu scheint (zumindest ich konnte ihn nicht finden) und da dieser Cache seit 7 Monaten keinen Besuch mehr bekommen hat obwohl er nicht in den Bergen liegt, habe ich beschlossen ihn zu archivieren (er bestand ohnedies viel laenger als geplant). Ferner gibt es einen anderen Cache in der Naehe, der immer noch die Chance bietet diese schoene Gegend zu besuchen.

encuentran 10. septiembre 2005 DeeJay58 ha encontrado el geocache

Nach 90min. Suchen mit seeehr schlechtem GPS Empfang (ungünstige Sat Position) den Final gefunden
Kein Tasuch

encuentran 19. julio 2005 Chiroptera ha encontrado el geocache

Zusammen mit M.W., die gerade einmal den Startpunkt ent"mystifiziert" hatten, machten wir uns auf den Weg. Die benötigten Informationen holten wir uns von freundlichen Bewohnern von Stage 1, was die nicht in ihren Zimmern hatten, mußte uns Johannes per Telefon herausfinden. Dann ab zu den anderen Stages und nach ein wenig Suche den Cache gefunden.
Danke, Dunja

encuentran 19. julio 2005 j-blue ha encontrado el geocache

Schon sehr lange ist dieser cache auf meiner To-do-Liste, die nötigen Informationen recherchierte ich schon vor fast einem Jahr. Heute vor Ort fanden wir zuerst den Micro nicht, da ich/wir in der falschen "Höhe" gesucht hatte , doch später mit der Hilfe von M.W. fanden wir den cache doch noch!
In/out: Nix

encuentran 19. julio 2005 M.W. ha encontrado el geocache

Reger Zustrom heute zu diesem Cache.
Gemeinsam mit Dunja und dem kompletten BeVeMa- Team sowie mit j_blue und Team gefunden.
In der Box stand etwas Wasser, das Logbuch war jedoch trocken.

In Kluppe

Danke für die Höhenmeter, sie haben sich gelohnt.

encuentran 14. abril 2005 aj-gps ha encontrado el geocache

12:40 CEST
Yeah well, it's indeed easier with the right values after carefully re-reading the cache note. Last week I was about 10m close to stage 2 and didn't even know that
Found easily. Cachebox is in good condition, I covered it a bit better. The micro at stage 2-2 was clearly visible, I covered it with some bark.

IN: -
OUT: TB "Memories of Hardware gone past"

encuentran 25. marzo 2005 oe6jwd ha encontrado el geocache

Nach der Ankündigung das dieser Cache "aufgelöst" werden soll, habe ich mich rasch an die Arbeit gemacht....

Bei der Recherche im InterNet ein "Gebäude" in der Nähe entdeckt, daß ich von Gert's Bildschirmhintergrund kannte - nun mußte ich erst recht dort hin! [:P]

Nicht nur, daß ich mich bei den Koordinaten auf Grund eines Lesefehlers verrechnet habe, fing es leider auch noch an zu regnen.[V]

Zum Glück bin ich vorher an Hint 2 vorbei gekommen, sodaß ich bald auf meinen Fehler drauf gekommen bin! [:I]
Für's Weiter- und nochmalige weiterrechnen habe ich mich in der Nähe in die Erde verzogen...

Weiter gings...

IN: TB Memories of Hardware gone past

Ich finde der Cache ist auf jeden Fall einen Ausflug wert und nicht nur der Aussicht wegen... (Es lohnt sich in das in der Nähe befindliche hohe Gebäude zu gehen und den Blick nach oben zu richten!)

encuentran 15. mayo 2004 Gavriel ha encontrado el geocache

Having done the preparations some time ago I went for the physical part today. By sheer luck I found a very conveniant starting place. Trying to do a shortcut I ended up in a dead-end path first.
The search for the micro took quite a long time (although my coordinates seemed to be correct) because I didn't expect it to be on such an exposed place . I would not like to fetch it when the ground is icy. Quite fascinating area around that place. While searching around I found things not so medieval . And I guess I have searched some of the places that Gert has mentioned. The area offers about a million hiding places for all sorts of cache-containers.

Somehat frustrated I interrupted the search for the micro for a while to explore a nearby area of interest (and to do something else ). On that occasion I passed by an abandoned house thats falling apart slowly (it has a new lock, but the holy 3 kings have paid their last visit in 89).
The search for the final revealed more interesting and adventurous spots to me (because the GPS insisted on pointing to almost inaccessible places).
Looking at the pictures I see now that actually I took a picture of the place where the micro is hidden, but from a point where I could not see it.

The cache is in good condition. I wanted to leave the Aussie Invader there, but it was too large for the box.
Out: sheep
In: ponybead-rabbit
thx , Gavriel

encuentran 25. noviembre 2003 Edorian ha encontrado el geocache

Once again I used a beautiful tuesday afternoon for a cachehunt since that cache had appeared at the right time. Solving the stage 0 tasks was rather easy with the use of internet search engines, especially since I had an additional hint about the cache location.

I found it quite interesting that Mr. X has been born at stage 1 since I am studying the same thing he did. I wonder what the 'unrelated to scientific achievements' thing is that makes his colleague much more famous to most people in Cezannes opinion? Quite probably his famous picture almost every Austrian knows. Or his known cruelty to a certain animal species. [;)] But he is also more famous in the scientific world. At least I hear his name almost every day while I did not hear much about Mr. X.

At stage 1 I left my car since I could not find the numbers driving by, but then I quickly found them. I also took a closer look at building C. Then I drove to a good parking place I knew from an earlier visit to that area. From there I followed a forest road. (Instead of going straight through the forest which is what I often do when geocaching. If I do I usually end up regretting it during the walk. [:)])

At stage 2 the view was quite magnificient and soon I found the micro cache. Of course I had started my search on the wrong side of the object and so, while searching, I moved around below it which was not so very wise since a fall might have hurt a bit and I was only wearing sneakers. (I still had blisters from my hiking boots from the weekend.)

I calculated the coordinates of stage 3, entered them into my GPS and arrived there very soon. (It's rather close to stage 2.) And now the search started. When I saw the stone I knew it was the right one (Geocacher's intuition) but I did not find the cache in any cleft under it. First I only used sticks but then I put my hands into the clefts and felt around which I usually don't like since such clefts make good hiding places for stinging and biting creatures that don't like beeing disturbed. [:)] But there I only got my hands dirty without finding the cache.

I looked around once more, but the other stones did not have any good hiding clefts and those that did had empty ones. Finally I found a long iron rod and I used it to poke in the clefts of the first stone. The area around the stone looked a bit dug up by now [:I] and I really saw a piece of ziploc bag which contained the cache.

I put in a logbook, glued in the title page of Cezannes temporary log and signed it. Then I rehid the cache, undid the damage around the stone, and explored the area close to the cache. Very interesting. I'll sure come back to have a closer look.

Thanks Cezanne for this great hiding-place idea at the right time. [:)]

Out: 'Geopirat'-Jo-Jo
In: Log, Bear-puzzle

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