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Geocache Tradizionale

Travelbug Zauberhotel A23 Tornesch Neueröffnung

Reopenen New Reopened

di Geo-Magician     Germania > Schleswig-Holstein > Pinneberg

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 53° 43.222' E 009° 44.774' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: normale
Stato: archiviata
 Tempo necessario: 0:10 h 
 Nascosta il: 08. ottobre 2006
 Pubblicata dal: 08. ottobre 2006
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 03. dicembre 2007
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC2694
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

10 trovata
1 non trovata
3 Note
0 Osservata
0 Ignorata
241 Pagina visite
0 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry

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Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)

Travelbug Magic Hotel A23 Tornesch
We had to move our well known TB hotel from its old location because the neighbourhood deteriorated badly. After visiting our hotel you can still grab a snack at the nearby BK restaurant or you can look for the “ Tankstop OHA” of the Rockybells which is very close by and you can log two caches at one stop.

The A23 was born before the 2nd world war. The need to improve the traffic infrastructure of the former “Reichstraße”5, the most important road for traffic from the northwest of Schleswig Holstein, was already recognized in the years 1935/1936. It was possible to complete the earthworks during the war and to complete the concrete roadbed in the years 1947 to 1950. Transport of the concrete was done by hand and it is said that since this time all farmhouses in the vicinity of the Autobahn have concrete floors. You can check this out when you are at the site .

If you do not intend to drop a Travelbug the procedure is as usual. The cache is waiting for you at the given coordinates. Please refrain from following the spoiler link since it is intended to guide Travelbug drivers to the hotel in no time. Print out the scrambled hint and use it at the cache if you can not find it.

TB drivers, -body guards, - chauffeurs! We are an honourable house and do not support the shameful mixing of Travelbugs as it is standard around the world. If your Travelbug intends to stay with us, rent a room for him.

If you like you can leave your name and the name of your companion at the hotel reception (check in), this helps me to track missing TBs. If one of our guests intends to go with you, check for his room booking and write your name under his entry.

Need an example:

  • Room 4:
  • TB Traveler 01
  • check in: Boettchers
  • check out: Rockybell

Travelbug drop in a hury?
Follow this link for extreme spoilers and guidance. (rem.: not yet translated but you will see pictures of the cache location, of the camoflage and of the cache itself)

The container holds 1100 ccm and should be sufficient for a vivid Travelbubg (standard size) exchange.

Suggerimenti addizionali  

In the ground



Questa geocache probabilmente è situata in una riserva naturale (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet Landschaftsschutzgebiete des Kreises Pinneberg (Informazioni)

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Scaricando questo file accetti i nostri termini di utilizzo e la Licenza dati.

Nota 03. dicembre 2007 Geo-Magician ha scritto una nota

Moin Wink,


der Cache ist zu Recht archiviert. Die neue Stelle (Zaubermotel) wird demnächst bekanntgegeben.

Gruß Holger  

Nota 03. dicembre 2007 Oli ha scritto una nota

Der Geocache ist offensichtlich nicht mehr vorhanden und wird demnächst archiviert.

Sollte der Geocache noch oder wieder vorhanden sein, bitte den Geocache wieder aktivieren und eine Bemerkung schreiben damit es alle Benutzer die sich für den Geocache interessieren mitbekommen. Diesen Logeintrag bitte danach löschen.

Falls noch Teile des Geocaches versteckt sind, wird der Owner gebeten diese zu entfernen.

Nota 13. marzo 2007 Geo-Magician ha scritto una nota


leider wurden unsere Gäste von Muggels gefangen genommen. Wir haben deshalb vorübergehend geschlossen :-(

trovata 26. febbraio 2007 Sobo ha trovato la geocache

Nachdem mir vom Hotelier die Ehre verliehen wurde, als HC zu loggen (siehe nachfolgenede E-Mail), werde ich mich nicht laenger zieren und dieses Angebot annehmen. Ich verspreche jedoch, nach Neueroeffnung wiederzukommen. um das neue Interieur zu bewundern.
Herzlichen Dank und viele Gruesse,
"Moin Sobo,
Wenn Du magst darfst Du das Zauberhotel natürlich gerne HC (Honoris Causa) loggen, Deine Beschreibung beweist: Du warst am richtigen Ort.
Gruß vom traurigen Hotelbesitzer Holger"

trovata 25. febbraio 2007 pico ha trovato la geocache

Mein Beileid Holger.
Danke für die Freigabe zum Trostlog de Pico:>