
Der schönste Schatz

door sonnenplateau     Oostenrijk > Tirol > Tiroler Oberland

N 47° 17.893' E 010° 55.660' (WGS84)

 andere coördinaatstelsel
 Grootte: normaal
Status: Beschikbaar
 Benodigde tijd: 1:15 h 
 Verborgen op: 14. mei 2013
 Published on: 26. juni 2018
 Laatste verandering: 26. juni 2018
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC10A03

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1 Negeerders
16 Bekeken
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Beschrijving    Deutsch  ·  English (Engels)

Peter the frog on the search for the best treasure of all


Dear geocachers!

Peter, a small frog, recently overheard a conversation between two hedgehogs. They were discussing the best treasure of all, which was apparently to be found somewhere in this area. Since then, Peter has been able to think of nothing else except the mysterious treasure. What might it look like? And how big might it be? As a frog he already has everything he needs: He shares a small pond with his family and there’s enough food to go around. And yet, the hedgehogs have aroused Peter’s curiosity … Accompany the little frog on his exciting journey of discovery and park your caching vehicle here:

N 47°17.893
E 10°55.660

Allow a good hour for the gentle walk over even ground.

A little bird told me …

N 47°17.967
E 10°55.567

“If anyone knows where the best treasure of all is to be found, then it must be the birds”, thought Peter, and headed off to one of their gathering places. It didn’t take long, and when he got there he found a little blue tit pecking at some grain with its powerful beak. “Excuse me”, asked the frog tentatively, “can you tell me where I can find the best treasure of all? You can fly so high so you must have seen it already, haven’t you?” The blue tit broke off from eating with a look of surprise. “If I had seen a particularly special treasure I’m sure I would have remembered. For me my overwhelming curiosity is priceless. But do you know the greatest treasure of the blackbirds?

Newly-mown grass lawns = 6
Flowering meadows = 5
Thick woods = 4

Note the right number as A.

A =

But perhaps Fritz the mole can help. He always has a lot to say”, suggested the blue tit. Peter thanked the bird for the tip and hopped past the Tyrol Hotel until he reached the signpost:

N 47°18.032
E 10°55.609

The mysterious earth


N 47°18.088
E 10°55.700

Up ahead Peter the frog saw a nice bench where he decided to sit and have a little rest. Suddenly he noticed a red nose poking up out of the soil and struggling for breath. Peter immediately seized the nose and kept pulling until an entire mole appeared. But instead of thanking him the mole started shouting: “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?! Don’t you know that I get completely dazzled by bright sunlight?” “You must be Fritz the mole”, countered Peter and stretched out his hand in reconciliation. The mole didn’t respond. Then again, he probably couldn’t see the friendly gesture. Peter didn’t take it personally and asked him the all-important question: “Have you already seen the best treasure of all? It might be buried deep in the earth.” Fritz the mole replied: “For me the greatest treasure is the loose soil beneath me. Do you know how long my runs can be? Note the first number of the answer as B and then look for the sly fox.”

B =

The sly fox

N 47°18.113
E 10°55.747

Peter the frog did not hold a very long conversation with the sly fox. He soon realised that foxes are omnivores, which Peter found rather sinister. Besides, the fox in his nature reminded him of a completely different animal. But which one? Note the number of letters in the answer as C.

C =

From here, Peter hopped along a path.

Siegfried the robin

N 47°18.142
E 10°55.847

Soon Peter came across Siegfried the robin. Peter had always thought that robins were peaceful, cute creatures. But Siegfried taught him otherwise. “I’m not interested in your treasure”, he twittered angrily. “Your croaking has scared away the only female that was showing any kind of interest in me. That’s just great!” Peter ducked his head. “Go and bother the green woodpecker instead. His tongue is just as loose as yours. All I care about is my red breast, which I use to impress the ladies. But there are other birds with red breasts – even if they are not as beautiful as mine. Do you know which ones I mean?

Eagle = 8
Wren = 1
Red crossbill = 7

D =

The laughter of the green woodpecker

N 47°18.127
E 10°55.866

„“At last someone who is in a good mood”, thought Peter with relief as he heard the laughter of the green woodpecker. “Do you know where the best treasure of all can be found?” asked Peter without beating about the bush. “I’m sorry but I’m afraid I can’t help you. But try asking Helga the squirrel. She collects everything she can carry.”

Peter the frog thanked him and went on his way.

Helga offers advice


N 47°18.093
E 10°55.987

“Helga! Helga!” shouted Peter and looked all around. Suddenly there was a rustling noise in a tree and a squeaky voice replied: “What do you want?” Peter was pleased to have found the squirrel and asked Helga: “I have heard that you collect and hide lots of things. Did that also include the best treasure of all?” Helga thought about it briefly before replying: “My greatest treasure is being able to find all the things I hide. Do you know what sense I use to do that? Count the letters in the solution and note the total as E.


I think the newt may also know something about it.” Peter soon solved the puzzle and set off to find the newt.


N 47°18.065
E 10°56.067

Peter could hardly believe his eyes: at last there was a cool, refreshing pond! It wasn’t long before a small newt called Walter gave him a cheeky nudge. “Can I help you?” Peter wiped the cool water droplets off his face and said: “I’m looking for the best treasure of all. Can you help?” Walter pondered it for a minute and replied: “Rest here for a bit then hop past the marker stone and turn left.”

The best treasure of all

N 47°E+D.0(A+C-E)B-1
E 10°56.0AC

Peter’s heart started pounding when he finally realised what the best treasure of all was. It wasn’t shiny gold or glittering jewels. The greatest and best treasure of all is nature itself, the scenery he had just come through – and his own home. The happy little frog enjoyed the beautiful view for a little longer then made his way back to his family.

A path takes you straight down through the meadow to the main road. Follow this road and in a few minutes you will find yourself back where you started.

Additional waypoints   andere coördinaatstelsel

N 47° 17.893'
E 010° 55.660'
Stage or reference point
N 47° 17.967'
E 010° 55.567'
Aber kennst du auch den größten Schatz der Amseln?
But do you know the greatest treasure of the blackbirds?

Kurz geschorene Rasenflächen/Newly-mown grass lawns = 6
Blühende Wiesen/Flowering meadows = 5
Dichte Wälder/Thick woods = 4
Stage or reference point
N 47° 18.088'
E 010° 55.700'
Weißt du eigentlich, wie lang meine Gänge werden können? Notiere die erste Ziffer der Antwort als B.
Do you know how long my runs can be? Note the first number of the answer as B.
Stage or reference point
N 47° 18.113'
E 010° 55.747'
Außerdem erinnerte ihn der Fuchs in seinem Wesen an ein ganz anderes Tier. An welches? Notiere die Buchstabenanzahl des gesuchten Wortes als C.

Besides, the fox in his nature reminded him of a completely different animal. But which one? Note the number of letters in the answer as C.
Stage or reference point
N 47° 18.142'
E 010° 55.847'
Aber es gibt auch andere Vögel mit roten Bäuchen – obwohl die nicht so schön sind, wie meiner. Weißt du, wen ich meine?
But there are other birds with red breasts – even if they are not as beautiful as mine. Do you know which ones I mean?

Adler/Eagle = 8
Zaunkönig/Wren = 1
Fichtenkreuzschnabel/Red crossbill = 7
Stage or reference point
N 47° 18.093'
E 010° 55.987'
Weißt du, welcher Sinn mir dabei hilft? Zähle die Buchstaben des Lösungswortes und notiere die Anzahl als E.

Do you know what sense I use to do that? Count the letters in the solution and note the total as E.
Info The additional waypoints are shown on the map when the cache is selected, are included in GPX file downloads and will be sent to the GPS device.

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Schönster Schatz
Schönster Schatz
Schönster Schatz 2
Schönster Schatz 2
Schönster Schatz 3
Schönster Schatz 3


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Logs van Der schönste Schatz    Gevonden 5x Niet gevonden 0x Opmerking 0x

Gevonden 05. september 2019, 12:52 heliflieger007 heeft de cache gevonden

Schöne Runde durch Wald, Wiesen und Weiden. TFTC

Gevonden 23. maart 2019 binerle07 heeft de cache gevonden

auch dieser Kleine konnte im Team TT ohne Probleme gefunden werden....


binerle07 und ihr Hase

Gevonden 13. januari 2014, 21:46 Isibär heeft de cache gevonden

Am 1. Urlaubstag diese schöne Runde, fast direkt hinter dem Hotel, gelaufen.
Alles sehr gut gefunden.

Danke für die schöne Runde.

Gevonden 19. mei 2013, 02:01 luzzi-reloaded heeft de cache gevonden

auf gc.com gefunden

Gevonden 14. mei 2013 Skorzak heeft de cache gevonden

Die Runde habe ich bereits vor einiger Zeit erwandert und er war gut zu finden.

Hier ist mein Log von GC: