



von doglobe     Deutschland > Brandenburg > Potsdam-Mittelmark

Achtung! Dieser Geocache ist „archiviert“! Es befindet sich kein Behälter an den angegebenen (oder zu ermittelnden) Koordinaten. Im Interesse des Ortes sollte von einer Suche unbedingt abgesehen werden!

N 52° 04.446' E 012° 51.923' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: klein
Status: archiviert
 Zeitaufwand: 3:00 h   Strecke: 2.6 km
 Versteckt am: 21. Januar 2011
 Gelistet seit: 21. Januar 2011
 Letzte Änderung: 11. Juni 2014
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OCBB91
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

10 gefunden
2 nicht gefunden
6 Bemerkungen
2 Wartungslogs
0 Beobachter
0 Ignorierer
337 Aufrufe
0 Logbilder
3 Empfehlungen

große Karte


Benötigt Werkzeug

Beschreibung    Deutsch  ·  English

With coordinates for the bonus cache!

It expects you a night cache of about 2.6 km in length, which is largely designed as a round trip and takes you past several ponds, which are all beautifully. Start & Final are approximately 1.5 km towards Treuenbrietzen apart. Thus, the cache is not in the nature reserve is located.

Once it is dark enough, you can move you to the park and starting position.

You are in the possession of a good working flashlight? Then you go! Just follow the green at first white, then blue, green, blue, red, white and finally yellow and red reflectors. Before any color change 3 blind pointlike composite reflectors appear in the same color that you draw attention to the respective intermediate station where you have to collect important information for finding the final coordinates.

FINALS = Only well calculated coordinates to Win!

Code of Conduct for encounters with wild boars and other Urgetier and behavior in the conservation area should be clear and hopefully everyone knows! The roads do NOT need to be abandoned. Is not advisable, since there are also wetlands. After you've finally station 7 all data to the final calculation together.

To remain in the cache:
Cache statement
Pen / Pencil Sharpener

To trade:
Various trade items!

Please trade only equal - or superior

ATTENTION PLEASE DO NOT FORGET: you print it out the questions to the individual stations ... as ...!
(CART REMOVE) show the hidden waypoints.

My thanks go to Mic @ because of the idea (gallows humor) on this night cache

Have fun and happy caching!

PS: A UV lamp can be helpful in ... is not necessary! You can drive by car from the start to the final! P.S.S. and how could I forget the love Sweetwoodraspler who deserves the biggest thanks I just wanted to mention again :)

Park and start position (Parking Area) N 52 ° 04 463 51 909 E 012 °

Turns your flashlights in the distance from there onto the reflector, it goes green with white reflectors

Stage 1 The fauna (Question to Answer)

In Niplitztal live in and around the water, the different animals? What newt lives out of the Alpine newt still Nieplitztal?

(A = 1, B = 2, etc.) __ + _ + _ + _ + _ Pig B = A

Continue with blue

Stage 2 circuits (Question to Answer)

Everywhere there are trails to hike, but on which we are the just? C D

Continue with green

Stage 3 Mr Vogel (Question to Answer)

Mr. Vogel is the time moved back? Unfortunately, his memory is no longer the best. He knows only that he lives on the promenade, but how was the house number again? E F G

Continue with purple

Stage 4 The wood ants (Question to Answer)

The ants, while not measles but a lot of points are mentioned here. How many exactly?

The value is no longer relevant and need not be Listed.

Continue to do

Stage 5 The place of worship (Question to Answer)

Many natives were smoking this herb to have visions of saints, only after the consumption of the herbs could not count any more and wondered how many sides the roof _ 2 = I

Next to yellow

Stage 6 mill trout (Question to Answer)

As there were many water mills in the Upper Nieplitztal +1 = J

Continue with red

Stage 7 man trouble you do not (Question to Answer)

You should not try to throw those dice, but you should time your eyes are (___ + ___ + ___ + ___): 70 = K

Final (Final Location)?

Using the formula you can calculate the final coordinates to you now:

N 52 ° 51 018-ACEGI
E-012 ° 104 607 BDFJK

Verschlüsselter Hinweis  

[Deutsch] [Station 4 und 6] Ob du recht hast oder nicht sagt dir das schwarze Licht
[Final] Ziel mit Glow in the dark Markiert



Dieser Geocache liegt vermutlich in den folgenden Schutzgebieten (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet Nuthetal - Beelitzer Sander (Info), Naturpark Nuthe-Nieplitz-Auen (Info)

Cache-Empfehlungen von Benutzern, die diesen Geocache empfohlen haben: alle
Suche Caches im Umkreis: alle - suchbare - gleiche Cacheart
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Logeinträge für Naherholung    gefunden 10x nicht gefunden 2x Hinweis 6x Wartung 2x

OC-Team archiviert 11. Juni 2014 Opencaching.de hat den Geocache archiviert

Dieser Cache ist seit mehr als einem Jahr „momentan nicht verfügbar“; daher wird er automatisch archiviert. Er kann vom Besitzer jederzeit instand gesetzt und reaktiviert werden.

momentan nicht verfügbar 10. Juni 2013 doglobe hat den Geocache deaktiviert

Ich muss erst noch nach dem Rechten schauen

Hinweis 07. Juni 2013 doglobe hat eine Bemerkung geschrieben

Hier und jetzt ab heute ein oc-only

Hinweis 27. November 2012 doglobe hat eine Bemerkung geschrieben

so final ersetzt leider nur noch ein smal

Hinweis 22. November 2012 doglobe hat eine Bemerkung geschrieben

hier ist mal Pause bis ich die Finaldose ersetzt habe