



von K2MO     Österreich > Steiermark > Graz

Achtung! Dieser Geocache ist „gesperrt“! Es befindet sich kein Behälter an den angegebenen (oder zu ermittelnden) Koordinaten. Im Interesse des Ortes sollte von einer Suche unbedingt abgesehen werden!

N 47° 04.540' E 015° 26.625' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: normal
Status: gesperrt
 Versteckt am: 25. Juni 2006
 Gelistet seit: 24. Juli 2006
 Letzte Änderung: 14. Juni 2017
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC21F7
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

4 gefunden
0 nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
1 Wartungslog
0 Beobachter
0 Ignorierer
13 Aufrufe
0 Logbilder

große Karte



ZA = 0,20 m
AB = 0,04 m

Mit dem gegebenen Dreieck geht man zum Startpunkt N 47° 04,540' / E 015° 26,625', wo man Z bzw. die ungefähre Richtung zu B' findet. (Man kann sich das Dreieck durchaus auch nur vorstellen. B' ist eindeutig, wenn man sich ZA "parallel" zum Erdboden vorstellt, ohne Berücksichtigung der Erdkrümmung ;)

Gehe nun zu dem markanten Objekt bei B' und nimm am Fuße dessen (auf der Seite Richtung Startpunkt) die Koordinaten N 47° ab,cde / E 015° fg,hij auf und ermittle die für die Lösung notwendigen restlichen Zahlen. Die Werte für ZA' und A'B' können auf 100er gerundet werden, stimmt nämlich fast genau.

Der Cache liegt bei

N 47° 04,[(ZA'+A'B')/100][c+h][g-d]
E 015° 26,[ZA*A'B'/10][c-h][A'B'/100]

Die Cache-Box mit rotem Deckel hab ich beim Almevent 2006 gewonnen, wie versprochen also ein Cache in der Steiermark bzw. in Graz.



With the given triangel you have to go to the start coordinates N 47° 04,540' / E 015° 26,625' where you can find Z and the direction to B'. (You can just imagine the triangle. B' is unique if you imagine ZA "parallel" to the ground without consideration of the curvation of earth ;)

Now you have to go to the prominent object at B' and take the coordinates N 47° ab,cde / E 015° fg,hij at the bottom of this object on the side with direction to the starting point. You also have to dermine the remaining necessary figures. You can round the figures for ZA' and A'B' to hundreds because it's almost the same.

You can find the cache at

N 47° 04,[(ZA'+A'B')/100][c+h][g-d]
E 015° 26,[ZA*A'B'/10][c-h][A'B'/100]

I have won the cache box with a red lid at the "Almevent 2006" and as promised it's hidden in Styria resp. Graz.


Bitte den Cache auch bewerten / Please rate the cache:

GCS - extended statistics

Verschlüsselter Hinweis  

Start: Z und die Richtung verrät Dir eine Parkbank. ' = Verlängerung

Start: Z and the direction is shown by a park bench. ' = extension



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Logeinträge für Park-Strahlen    gefunden 4x nicht gefunden 0x Hinweis 0x Wartung 1x

OC-Team gesperrt 14. Juni 2017 dogesu hat den Geocache gesperrt

Der Benutzeraccount wurde deaktiviert.

gefunden 26. Juni 2008 Rhodo Dendron hat den Geocache gefunden

Die Aufgabe war an sich klar, trotzdem hatte ich die Sache mit dem Fußpunkt grob mißverstanden. Gemeinerweise ergab sich auch so ein plausibles Ergebnis, und zwar, wie sich später herausstellte, nicht nur ganz in der Nähe der wirklichen Cacheposition, sondern auch noch mit sehr ähnlichem Charakter, nur viel ...äh... unangenehmer. Erst ein Hinweis vom Owner hat mir aus dieser Sackgasse herausgeholfen.


gefunden 12. Juni 2008 Lord Harry hat den Geocache gefunden

Eeeeeendlich, Zeit ist´s geworden!
Lord Harry

gefunden 16. Januar 2007 DeeJay58 hat den Geocache gefunden

2 Dinge:

1.: Lt. Augenarzt sehe ich nun, nach der LAser-OP wie ein Adler. Ich frage mich langsam (nach Melanie vor einigen Tagen...) ob das denn auch wirklich sein kann nach meinen Fund-Problemen aus optischen Gründen bei den letzten beiden Caches....

2.: Danke an J.W. Rabat, an K2MO, an Gert, an Leelah, an j_blue und an alle, an die ich mich nicht mehr erinnern kann, die mir bei diesem Cache geholfen haben bzw. ihr kleines bisschen dazu beigetragen haben, dass ich den Cache nun endlich doch noch gefunden habe...

No Trade

P.S.: Nette Idee, hat mir eh gut gefallen!

gefunden 30. Juni 2006 cezanne hat den Geocache gefunden

Well, it appears that I have a tendency to choose a somewhat unconventional approach for caches in Graz of type multi cache or mystery cache. When I read the description of this cache, I was on the one hand quite sure what the main idea behind this cache would be and on the other hand I was not completely sure whether everything in the description was as intended by the hider.

Although some parts of the description are not formulated in a formally fully correct way (e.g. the rounding pricess has to be applied to the distances before plugging them into the formulae as otherwise no integral results would be obtained), it is not difficult to guess what the hide had in mind. When I read the description, I wondered where a regular sized cache could fit in the target area, and came up with a conjecture. Before starting off, I looked more carefully at the description, and came up with some further conjectures as to the identity of B' and the approximated the distances accordingly which led me finally to a guess for the coordinates of the cache. After having had a look at two maps, I felt that my guessed values were quite reasonable and that I might give them a try directly.

Nevertheless I passed by Stage 1 on my way to the cache, but there were many people around so that I did not make a stop there. I decided to immediately continue to the candidate coordinates as checking which of the two conjectures I had in mind about Stage 1 was the correct one, would have required me to walk around several times in the area and to pass some young guys where already passing by once is not something I like to do.

Instead of going to object B' and measuring the coordinates of that location, I decided to check first my candidate coordinates for the cache. I had taken my GPS with me although I thought already in advance that I might be faster without GPS. I switched on the GPS late as I know the area well. The reception was bad - when I arrived at the target area I had conjectured at home, I had a look at a certain place that attracted my attention and found the cache there to my surprise at the first place I had looked at. My caching experience and the knowledge I had from my preparation work, were much more helpful than the GPS which pointed to another place, but due as the accuracy was 50 meters and I was working with approximated values, this is of no significance as the quality of the coordinates are regarded. (I cannot say anything on this aspect.)

The hardest part was getting out the cache and rehiding it and managing both these tasks while making sure not to be seen. For small people with short arms and short legs it is not that trivial to get the cache as the rating 2* had made me believe in advance. Moreover, I preferred to refrain from thinking about for what other purposes than geocaching some people are using the location. Let's see how long the cache will survive undetected and sufficiently clean in its hideout. At the moment the cache box and its contents are of course in good condition. The log book is a bit a small (in particular compared to the huge bag in which its has been packed into), but it should be large enough for a mystery cache in Graz.

Thanks for hiding a cache in Graz where not stealth and the process of the finding the cache are the most important components. The part of the cache I liked most is the
puzzle part. Though the task was not difficult for me and though the formulation is less precise in some parts than what my mathematical brain would like to be confronted with, I liked the nice idea behind the cache which I have not yet encountered in a cache. Moreover, the cache hunt leads to places of interest (at least if you are really visiting them ) and the hideout, while not being an ideal hideout from my point of view, is not too bad either. Summing up, among the urban caches in Graz, this cache from my point of view belongs to the 25% nicest ones.

The difficulty rating 3* appears to be reasonable for the average cacher. Depending on the type of education someone underwent and his/her country of origin, the task might become easier or more difficult.

Do not rely on my visit as a betatest as I did the cache in an unconventional manner. I am already curious who will be the first who visits the cache in the intended way and by GPS-usage.

Out: TB Jaguar (as it was the smaller one of the two TBs and I do not know when I will manage to get to a large cache on a mountain where the other TB would fit into)