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Evento Geocache

Ritter Kunibergs Heerlager

The 10th OC.de headquarter-hostel

di 10. OC-HQ Orga     Germania > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis

 Lista dei partecipanti

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 51° 08.046' E 007° 10.061' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: nessun contenitore
Stato: archiviata
 Data evento: 25. agosto 2023
 Pubblicata il: 07. gennaio 2023
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 29. settembre 2023
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC17617

10 partecipato
8 parteciperò
0 Note
1 Log manutenzione
4 Osservata
1 Ignorata
603 Pagina visite
0 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry
2 Raccomandazioni

Mappa grande



Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)  ·  Nederlands  ·  Polski


Accommodation in the countryside is available for a small fee especially for the celebration of the spectacular 10th HQ at castle Burg. None of the high guests - as long as he reserves his room with determination - will have to camp with idlers. The dwelling is equipped with running water in the rooms of different sizes, ballrooms, dining room, fireplace and parking spaces for the cabs and motorized horses.

The bowers can be seen like this:
Upper floor plan Ground floor plan
The house is divided as follows:
1 bed in a 3-, 4- or 5-bed social room for 1 Gülden or
1 bed in the 2-bed bridal suite for 1 ½ Gülden
each for two nights from Friday noon to Sunday noon (please inquire by mail).
In the hostel and at the 10th OC-HQ-Orga-team everything can (and should!) be paid for with "Gülden"
This link explains the Gülden.
The accommodation is to be paid in advance, then the desired mattress is considered a binding reservation. Should misfortune befall the traveler before arrival, he may pass the bed on.

Each guest has to prepare his own bed, for which he has to bring in his knapsack: duvet cover, sheet, towel, slippers.
All animals must be tied up in front of the hostel if they are not intended for consumption!
This link contains the house rules so that we can all experience a convivial, social togetherness.

These distinguished guests already are booked in:
Room number Number of beds Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy
social room 
no. 01
3 beds incl. bunk bed flatbed lower bunk bed upper bunk bed    
social room
no. 02
3 beds incl. bunk bed flatbed lower bunk bed upper bunk bed    
social room
no. 03
3 flatbeds Dogesu flatbed flatbed    
Suite no. 04 1 bunk bed Fraggle_de upper bunk bed      
Suite no. 05 2 flatbeds Slini11
Suite no. 06 2 flatbeds Werla (Sa/So) Werla (Sa/So)      
social room 
no. 07
5 flatbeds Golgafinch (Sa/So)
Tungmar flatbed flatbed flatbed
social room 
no. 08
3 beds incl. bunk bed Le Dompteur ANSE5000 (1)
ANSE5000 (2)
social room 
no. 09
2 bunk beds lower bunk bed upper bunk bed lower bunk bed upper bunk bed  
social room
no. 10
2 bunk beds lower bunk bed upper bunk bed lower bunk bed upper bunk bed  
social room
no. 11
2 bunk beds lower bunk bed upper bunk bed lower bunk bed upper bunk bed  
social room
no. 12
5 flatbeds Damsel Damsel Damsel Damsel Knight Kuniberg
Suite no. 13 1 bunk bed lower bunk bed upper bunk bed      
Suite no. 14 2 flatbeds Glennifer (1)
Glennifer (2)      

Food and drinks are offered from the pantries at cost price, i.e. the chamberlain procures food and divides the feed costs by the number of stomachs to be stuffed. Lovely damsels serve the waiters to the high guests, so that everyone always has their plate full and their glass never empty.
(Please register, with how many bellies you want to feast on which food!)
If medically necessary, you are allowed to bring your own food and drinks.

The morning meal will consist of a roll buffet, to be filled with a choice of sausage and cheese, jam, Nutella and whatever else the cat has left in front of the door, as well as coffee or tea.

For evening refreshment on the day of arrival, a non-vegan, gluten-containing yet exquisite dish called cheese and leek soup with white bread is served. Various drinks will round off the feast.

The following evening, a selection of carnal delights prepared over glowing coals (subject to weather-related changes) strengthens the brave guests. Refreshing drinks flow into parched throats.

On this same evening, the Gülden bingo game in favor of Opencaching.de will provide the greatest possible entertainment. Because we are not allowed to accept cash from the waiters and for the sake of convenience, the honored guest is encouraged to purchase Gülden bingo cards in advance or at least on site in the form of a donation to OC at the HQ-event-orga, on which the waitressing damsels devalue the corresponding consumption (for our inventory). It will not tear a hole in your wallet, because these spectacular prizes are waiting to be picked up!

The owner of the house expressly asks not to publish photographs of the location.

So that your hourglass doesn't turn into a snow globe from turning around too much, here is the schedule of when and where you are expected.

As beside-part of this year's main meeting we offer:

Sunday, March 26, 2023, 2:30 p.m.:
OC only - meet on the mountain - Helping hands for preparation needed!

Friday, August 25, 2023, 2:00 p.m. to Sunday, August 27, 2023, 10:00 a.m.:
Knight Kuniberg's hostel - the overnight event

Friday, August 25, 2023, 7:00 p.m.:
Edwin von Caphorn cooks - spooky cook

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.:
Knight Kuniberg tells stories - a guided tour through the innermost castle

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 12:00 high noon:
10th opencaching.de HQ event - the main-event.

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 7:00 p.m.:
Knight Kuniberg's Round Table - The funny bingo and BBQ for hungry opencachers

Sunday, August 27, 2023, 11:30 a.m.:
Edwin von Caphorns bridging - Farewell underneath Germany's highest railway-bridge

Punti addizionali   Conversione coordinate

N 51° 08.042'
E 007° 10.045'
und zum Be- und Entladen für Übernachtungsgäste
- - -
Disabled parking space
and for loading and unloading overnight guests
- - -
en voor het laden en lossen van overnachtende gasten
N 51° 08.267'
E 007° 09.699'
kostenloser Wanderparkplatz
- - -
parking area, free of charge
N 51° 08.137'
E 007° 09.684'
kostenloser kleinerer Wanderparkplatz
- - -
parking area, free of charge
N 51° 07.855'
E 007° 09.540'
kostenloser kleiner Wanderparkplatz
- - -
parking area, free of charge
Punto di riferimento
N 51° 08.090'
E 007° 10.167'
Bushaltestelle Stolzenberg (Buslinie 264)
- - -
bus stop "Stolzenberg", line 264
Info Waypoints addizionali possono rendere la ricerca più semplice, per esempio con le indicazioni di un parcheggio o del punto di partenza di un sentiero. I waypoints sono inclusi nei file GPX e inviati al dispositivo GPS.

Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

Vg pbhyq orpbzr lbhe purncrfg ohg zbfg fcrpgnphyne inpngvba rire!
NAL xvaq bs dhrfgvbaf? Cyrnfr srry serr gb pbagnpg gur 10.BP-UD-grnz ng nal gvzr!



bad guy
bad guy
good guy
good guy
Ground floor plan
Ground floor plan
Upper floor plan
Upper floor plan


Questa geocache probabilmente è situata in una riserva naturale (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet LSG-Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis 1 <Teilflaeche 1> (Informazioni), Naturpark Bergisches Land (Informazioni)

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Log per Ritter Kunibergs Heerlager    partecipato 10x parteciperò 8x Nota 0x Manutenzione 1x

OC-Team archiviata 29. settembre 2023 Opencaching.de ha archiviato la cache

Dieses Event fand vor über fünf Wochen statt; daher wird es automatisch archiviert. Das Listing kann vom Owner selbst reaktiviert werden, falls es aus besonderen Gründen weiter aktiv bleiben soll.

partecipato 27. agosto 2023 werla ha visitato l'evento

Das Heerlager vermittelte wirklich Klassenfahrt-Feeling. Zum Glück gab es die Möglichkeit einer Einzel-Suite, denn ganz so rustikal brauchte ich es dann doch nicht. Ich habe sehr gut geschlafen und wurde auch netterweise mit Hausschuhen ausgestattet, da ich keine dabei hatte. Die gemeinsamen Mahlzeiten, bei denen ich neue Leute kennenlernte und altbekannte wiedertraf, fand ich sehr gemütlich. DFDE!

partecipato 27. agosto 2023 FroschvomTal ha visitato l'evento

Am äußersten Rand eines am Rande von Wermelskirchen gelegenen Stadtteils, nahe der auf einem Bergsporn thronenden Burg stand diese gemütliche Wochenend-Herberge. Weitab vom allgemeinen Trubel, der in der Stadt herrschte und des touristischen Trubels auf der Burg, fanden die Teilnehmer Ruhe zur Entspannung und zum Kräfte-auftanken. Schließlich forderten Events und Cachen im stetigen Bergauf und -ab ihren Tribut.


Voll umfänglich versorgt durch gewandete Burgfräulein und Orga, sollte es niemandem an etwas fehlen. Die Burgfräulein wuchsen über sich hinaus und bewältigten die Verköstigung mit Bravour – auch wenn schon einmal die Nerven verständlicherweise blank lagen.


Gemeinsam mit am frühen Sonntagmorgen noch anwesenden ritterlichen Freunden wurde das Haus aufgeräumt, geputzt und zur Übergabe an die Hausverwaltung bereit gemacht. Dafür wurde seitens der Hausdame ein großes Lob ausgesprochen.


Und schon war es Zeit, den Weg zum Abschlußevent anzutreten.


Vielen Dank, Ihr Tapferen






partecipato 27. agosto 2023 fraggle_DE ha visitato l'evento

Eine der Eventlocations mit einer Übernachtungsmöglichkeit zu verbinden, war eine super Idee! Da war alles ein wenig entspannter und man konnte sich auch abends noch zusammensetzen und über alles mögliche ratschen. Wenn das nicht so ein enormer Extraaufwand wäre, könnte man das gerne jedes Mal machen. Küssend

Vielen Dank für das Organisieren!

partecipato Raccomandata 27. agosto 2023 ANSE5000 ha visitato l'evento

Habe mich geborgen gefühlt und sehr gut geschlafen 

Doch das ist noch nicht alles das gemeinsame reichliche Frühstück ist der perfekte Start in den Tag gewesen 

und erst recht die schönen Stunden am Abend bei sehr netter Gesellschaft haben mir besonders gut gefallen 

ich möchte mich auch bei dem gesamten orga Taem bedanken alles reichlich vorhanden gut organisiert und eine absolute Augenweide 😉

Vielen lieben Dank