A tour of 1.5 km length through Warnemünde in the footsteps of Stephan Jantzen.
von pennylaneonline Deutschland > Mecklenburg-Vorpommern > Rostock, Kreisfreie Stadt
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Beschreibung Deutsch · English
This cache will guide you through Warnemünde in the footsteps of a
local hero: Stephan Jantzen – seaman, commander of the pilots and
head of the DGzRS station Warnemünde. He was born in Warnemünde in
1827 and died there in 1913. As the captain of the "Johannes
Keppler" he sailed around the world twice between 1856 and 1866. In
1866 he was voted commander of the Warnemünde pilots. During the
next 30 years, he saved 80 lives together with the pilots of
Warnemünde and twice experienced life-threatening situations
himself. For his extraordinary braveness and altruism he received
several awards, among others the Gustav Vasa Cross from the Swedish
king and the Golden Medal for Noble Deeds from the Danish king.
We start off at Jantzen’s workplace, the station of the German
Society for the Salvage of Castaways (DGzRS) at N 54° 10.880' E
012° 05.220'.
When did the DGzRS receive the maritime salvage cruiser VORMANN
A = year
We move on to Jantzen’s home which is a DGzRS information center
today. You find it at N 54° 10.902' E 012° 05.176'.
How many people did Jantzen salvage?
B = number of people
The next stop is the sculpture "Lotsenehrung" ("Tribute to a
pilot"). It was made as a tribute to Jantzen by the sculptor
Reinhard Dietrich in 1976. Its coordinates are N 54° 10.863' E 012°
In which direction do the figures look?
north => C = 1270
east => C = 1280
south => C = 1290
west => C = 1300
The last stage before the final is the grave of Jantzen and his
wife in the Stephan Jantzen park at N 54° 10.615' E 012° 04.542'.
How many letters does the inscription at the base of the tombstone
D = number of letters
You can now find the final at N 54° D.(A-B-C+2)' E 012°
0(D-6).(A-B-C)/2+6'. Just in case the GPS is imprecise due to the
trees I uploaded a spoiler photo. Please be gentle to the
vegetation and camouflage the cache again.
Initially, the cache contains the following items:
log book
certificate for the first to find
unactivated coin (as a present for the FTF)
coin "Taz"
sea shells
USB stick
You may trade any item for any other item, even less precious items
for more precious items. If everyone put something more precious in
there, we'd soon have a cache full of diamonds and no one could
trade anymore Please leave the log book and the pencil in the
As a bonus you can visit an icebreaker named after Jantzen which
has been in the city harbor of Rostock at N 54° 05.593' E 012°
07.863' since August 2009. If you have time you may join a guided
tour – it’s worthwhile.
Happy hunting :-)
Verschlüsselter Hinweis
tree stump
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Logeinträge für Stephan Jantzen
25. Mai 2013 mic@ hat eine Bemerkung geschrieben
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Dieser Cache ist auf geocaching.com archiviert und hier nicht mit dem Attribut "OC only" versehen. Das letzte Funddatum liegt lange zurück und die Logs bei geocaching.com lassen darauf schließen, dass der Cache nicht mehr existiert. Aus diesem Grunde archiviere ich ihn auch hier. Sollten sich später neue Aspekte ergeben und der Cache wieder aktiviert werden, so kann dies durch den Owner selbstständig über die Funktion "Cache bearbeiten" erfolgen.
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mic@ (OC-Support)
12. Juli 2012 TEMBO(Ausrufezeichen) hat den Geocache gefunden
Dieser Multi hat einfach nur Spaß gemacht. Danke für das Zeigen.
03. Januar 2012 Bootsprotte hat den Geocache nicht gefunden
Alle Aufgaben super gefunden. Nur die letzte war für mein Handy GPS zu schwierig ( kein Signal) Komme noch mal. Danke ,War sehr Lehrreich und Interessant. Danke
30. Dezember 2011 53erSkorpion hat den Geocache nicht gefunden
Das war mein erster Cache im Leben. Durch die verschiedenen Anlaufpunkte kam richtige Entdeckerstimmung auf. Leider finalen Abschluss nicht gefunden. Danke für meine Grundsteinlegung.
02. Oktober 2011 Bonnie&Clyde_DE hat den Geocache gefunden
getauft:Little Nemo
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