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Math/Physics Geocache

High and beauty

by Mystphi     Germany > Hamburg > Hamburg

Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 53° 34.014' E 010° 04.859' (WGS84)

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 Size: normal
Status: Archived
 Hidden on: 07 November 2006
 Listed since: 08 November 2006
 Last update: 27 April 2012
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC28D8
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

46 Found
0 Not found
16 Notes
1 Watcher
0 Ignorers
422 Page visits
1 Log picture
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8 Recommendations

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Description    Deutsch  ·  English


Astronomers are naturally used to be busy with large numbers. But that is nothing at all against the creativity of theoretical mathematicians, whose spirit is not limited by material border. From numerical values like “Million” or “Billion” the average citizen still has a conception, and is it only expressing the burden of public debts. But the further powers of the million like a “Trillion” (10^18), “Quadrillion” (10^24), “Quintillion” (10^30) are already neither from large practical use, nor common to most people. Almost grotesque these names get out of hand beyond the “Dezillion” (10^60). There you find names like “Novemdecillion” (10^114) or “Quattuorquadragintillion” (10^264). Between these gigantic numbers with the just as gigantic names you find a number with a very short and handy name. In the following this number is called X. As in the upper picture represented, the value is only "a little bit” larger than the estimated number of all elementary particles in the visible universe, which is supposed at 10^80. The name for this number goes back to a mathematician, whose 9 year old nephew created this name in 1938. The name of a well-known Internet search engine based on the name of this number.

The second necessary number, in the following called Y, is from completely different nature. The value is orders of magnitude smaller than the value of X. It is a symbol for many forms of natural growth. In art and architecture it has an important sense as it is in touch with perfect harmony and beauty. In one of the above pictures this number is indirectly hidden in a famous way. As proportionality factor it stands for a very noble kind of division, which will become important in the process of the mystery. Also my nickname has its origin in this number. But although the value is much smaller than the value of X, it never can be written down completely because it is considered as the most irrational of all numbers. In contrast to it writing down of X is still possible without large expenditure.

Did you find both numbers? Great! Then you can calculate the cache coordinates, for they are only the starting point, which must be supplemented by a bearing. First you form the product Z = X * Y. The number of Z should be an integer, therefore you leave out the resulting fraction part of the product (do not round, but cut off!). In order to calculate the bearing from this monster like number, you cut Z into two parts Z1 and Z2, whereas the relationship of the two digit quantities is to approach as close as possible to the value of Y. The larger part is cut off from right side, the smaller part from left side. Attention trap!! Don't rely on the result of your rounding. Test a cut one position left or right on better matching of the relationship of the digit quantities to Y! With these new two numbers you now form the sum Z' = Z1 + Z2. With this sum you do the same procedure as you did with Z. In case of leading zeros resulting from the division take them in consideration for the digit quantity but leave them out for the addition. The whole procedure now is as often repeated as you get a 5-digit result of the form Z' = ABCDE, which checksum has a value of 25. The cache you will find then in a distance of [ABC]m in an angle of [CDE] ° (true north) from the start coordinates given above. Unfortunately the reception intensity will decrease very fast at a distance nearer 20m to the cache. Direct at the cache reception is nearly impossible. So you have to estimate a little bit. But there are not too many possibilities for hiding the cache.

For this task you can leave your pocket calculator in your pocket, because it is hopelessly overtaxed with these large numbers at least for the addition. If you are no gifted programmer, who can convert this task into a small program in short time, manual work is the suitable method. The Cache is situated at a location, at which large numbers are handled with too. From most people unloved, nevertheless nearly everyone will get in touch with this location during its life. For the search the time after 4.00pm and before 7.00am is suitable on workdays. Otherwise it is possible not to get any chance caused by high muggle density combined with the impudent position of the Cache. This problem does not occur on weekend and at holidays. Now I wish all cacher much fun and success with the solution of the mystery and the hunt for this "Fat Boy".

Last not least!
After you have found the cache, please don't rip it out blindway but look exact how it is placed. After logging put it back exact in the same position in exact the same way (backwards of course!). So you prevent damage to the cache and (more important!) to the location. Even small deviations may have disastrous effects!

Checker Geochecker! Test your final coordinate!

Additional hint  

Blue under blue under blue.



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Log entries for High and beauty    Found 46x Not found 0x Note 16x

Note 27 April 2012 Mystphi wrote a note

Die Dose wurde gemuggelt! Sofern ich den Cache überhaupt weiterführe, wird dies ausschließlich auf GC geschehen. Auf OC ist der Cache somit archiviert.

Viele Grüße


Found Recommended 07 January 2012 camper2009 found the geocache

Nachdem wir am Mittwoch schon mal den GZ inspiziert hatten war heute (Samstag) mittag das Loggen muggelfrei möglich Wie bei allen Caches dieses Owners fragen wir uns auch hier: Wie kommt man auf so eine Idee Und wie und wann setzt man das um
Natürlich gibt's auch hier einen Favoritenpunkt, wobei aber von allen von uns bisher absolvierten Mystphis GC18182 aufgrund der Dreistigkeit immer noch unser Favorit ist.

Found 02 November 2011 Sonnenwinkler found the geocache

Dreist und einfach nur genial ...

Auch dieser Mystery las sich gut und da wir ein Faible für Zahlen haben, ging es gleich an die Lösung... um dann natürlich auch gleich dank oberflächlichem Lesen eine falsche Zahl zu benutzen ...

...die zwar über kurz oder lang auch zu einer Lösung führte, die aber dann weder zur Quersumme noch zur Gradzahl (>360) passte .

Nach Rücksprache mit hendyp, der heute mit uns in Hamburg unterwegs war (erwähnten wir schon, dass wir morgen ins Miniatur-Wunderland wollen ) brachte er aber die richtige Zahl ins Spiel . Damit gab es zwar immer noch die angesprochene Fußangel, doch konnte nach einiger Rechnerei eine plausible Peilung ermittelt werden, die auch der Geochecker sofort akzeptierte.

Vor Ort – wir fanden sogar einen kostenfreien Parkplatz – war sofort klar, warum hier vor 16 Uhr kein Zugriff erfolgen sollte... so war es aber bereits dunkel und somit auch keine Muggles mehr anzutreffen . Das tolle Versteck konnte dank Hint sofort lokalisiert werden und wir konnten uns im Logbuch eintragen .

Vielen Dank für den dreisten Mystery und viele Grüße
Frauke, Thorsten und Xander

Note 12 October 2011 Mystphi wrote a note

Von einstelliger Quersumme auf normale Quersumme als Prüfkriterium gewechselt.

Viele Grüße

Note 11 October 2011 Mystphi wrote a note

Geochecker zugefügt.


Viele Grüße
