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Log per RXX - the lost way    trovata 5x non trovata 0x Nota 8x

Nota 26. gennaio 2013 mic@ ha scritto una nota

Wie zuvor angekündigt erfolgt hier nun die Archivierung. Sollten sich später neue Aspekte ergeben und der Cache wieder aktiviert werden, so kann dies durch den Owner selbstständig über die Funktion "Cache bearbeiten" erfolgen.
Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen kannst du gerne mich oder das Team kontaktieren.

mic@ (OC-Support)

Nota 26. dicembre 2012 mic@ ha scritto una nota

Dieser Cache ist auf geocaching.com archiviert und hier nicht mit dem Attribut "OC only" versehen.
Laut Logs scheinen einige Stationen des Multis nicht mehr machbar zu sein. Der Owner sollte hier dringend vor Ort erscheinen und die Lage überprüfen; bis dahin setze ich den Status auf "Momentan nicht verfügbar".
Sollte innerhalb eines Monats (26.01.2013) keine Rückmeldung erfolgen, werde ich den Cache archivieren.
Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen kannst du gerne mich oder das Team kontaktieren.

mic@ (OC-Support)

Nota 10. gennaio 2009 orotl ha scritto una nota

Endlich dazugekommen bei Stage 2 vorbeizuschauen und die Beschreibung aktualisiert.

Da ich allerdings die restlichen Stages noch nicht kontrolliert habe und ich auch nicht weiss ob und wann dieser Cache wieder gesucht wird, würde ich empfehlen vor der nächsten Suche mit mir Kontakt aufzunehmen.

Wird er in den nächsten Monaten nicht mehr gesucht, mache ich eine Doseneinsammelrunde und er wandert ins Archiv...


trovata 06. luglio 2008 A3M2 ha trovato la geocache

Dieser Cache hat uns einiges abverlangt!!! Begonnen haben wir schon am Muttertag (darum war die Baustelle bei Stage 2 auch noch kein Problem für uns). Wir waren wirklich stundenlang auf den Rädern unterwegs - mussten unsere beiden jüngeren Mitglieder zwischendurch ordentlich motivieren, blieben mit unseren Rädern immer gerade bei den Bergabstrecken in Gatsch und Laub stecken, fürchteten uns vor wildgewordenen Wildschweinen und Rehfamilien (wir sind nämlich fast über ein Rehkitz gestolpert und zumindest ich persönlich hatte wirklich Panik) ... Am Ende waren wir so fertig, dass wir zwar den Jungwald erreichten und dort verzweifelt zu suchen begannen, aber gar nicht mehr an den verschlüsselten Hinweis dachten - so konnten wir außer Schnecken und Brennnesseln nichts finden!

Nun aber haben wir es geschafft und wir sind wirklich stolz darauf! Für diesen Cache sollte man sich unbedingt genug Zeit freihalten, dafür wird man mit tollen Radstrecken, faszinierenden Aussichten und durchtrainierten Oberschenkeln belohnt!

Riesigen Dank an Orotl!!!

Nota 08. giugno 2008 orotl ha scritto una nota

Das kleine Gebäude bei Stage 2 wird gerade renoviert bzw. eher sogar umgebaut (dank an Nikita99 für den Hinweis).
Werde mir hier was anderes überlegen müssen.

trovata 23. agosto 2006 JulieWood_Rabat ha trovato la geocache

Hallo miteinander
Heute endlich zeit gehabt diesen Cache auf den ich mich schon (zu) lange gefreut hab zu machen.

Gemeinsam mit Beowolf sind wir dann auf die suche des Caches gestartet.

Irgendwie hab ich in diesen Cache zu grosse erwartungen gesetzt, oder lässt mich mein GPS nach der Regen Aktion in der Obersteiermark nur in Stich.

Die meistezeit hatte ich keinen GPS Empfang und musste ständig nach irgendwelche Lichtungen ausschau halten.

Out: GC


trovata 20. agosto 2006 cezanne ha trovato la geocache

Finally I made it. It never took me that long to finish a cache than it was the case with this cache. Last year I came until Stage 5, but the ground was extremly muddy at that time and after a rather long search at Stage 5 I was not motivated at all to continue to Stage 6. So I went back by bike the same way I had come. The stages before Stage 5 had posed no problem to me - I visited them although I had obtained most of the numbers already at home by playing around with numbers. Stage 2 is my clear favourite among the stages of the cache.

As the cache is available again since yesterday, I decided to visit at least Stage 6 today. When I left I was neither sure whether I would manage to ever finish this cache nor whether my motivation would suffice today to try to reach further stages. On my way to Stage 6 I passed Stages 2-5. The micro at Stage 5 ist still there. The information from the outside is hardly readable by now, but the sheet inside is ok (though a bit damp as well). The area around Stage 5 is definitely not very pleasant to visit during Summer time.
At first I went up to Stage 6 without taking my bike with me because I did not know where the next stage would be located. I found the micro rather quickly due to the information in the text. The coordinates were a bit off, but the reception was bad. When I realized that Stage 7 was less far away than I had expected and the street was not too far, I decided to go back and fetch my bike and return. After a somewhat tiresome ascent (pushing my bike and trying not to get the bike too dirty), I reached the street. There I could ride the bike again and after a while arrived at the location where one has to leave the street again to reach Stage 7. I used the hint and soon arrived at a possible target object - the reception was terrible, either no reception at all or distances up to 60 m at the target object which nevertheless looked promising. I was a bit blind and it took me about 10 minutes to find the well hidden micro. I was close to thinking that I was at the wrong place - even more because I had approached the object in a different way than probably expected by orotl and I was never in a danger to slip away. I was very glad after having found the micro. The condition of the sheet outside is better than at Stage 5, but not anymore optimal.


It was not easy for me to find the right way from Stage 7 to Stage 8 - I guess that I took a different way than planned by orotl, but it had the advantage that I arrived earlier at a street and was able to ride my bike again. After a while I reached Stage 8.

There I hesitated for a moment whether I should continue the cache hunt or follow the street and go back home. I was a bit tired of pushing my bike through the forest and I did not know what was still to come.

After a short break I decided to continue. Stage 10 was quickly reached. To my suprise the way from Stage 10 to Stage 11 was not hard to recognize. The reception was again not very good, but the micro was easier to find than the micros before. In any case I was glad that it was the last micro I needed to search for. (I do not like to search for micros in areas where the reception is bad.)

On the way from Stage 11 to the cache I had serious troubles to find a reasonable way where it was not too tiresome top push a bike along. Moreover, the stinging nettles were annoying in the area I reached closely before arriving in the target area. To speed up the search for the cache, I again used the hint. After a few minutes I found the well hidden cache. It is in good condition, but it appears that there is no pen in the cache. At least I did not see one. The log book appears to be slightly damp, but that's no problem at all. Maybe it might, however, still be a good idea to put the log book in a ziplock bag - I did not have one with me as I was using my biking knapsack and not my normal caching/hiking knapsack.

At first I was unsure which way would lead me again into civilization, but then I made the right choice and was very happy when I recognized the area where I left the forest and knew how I had to continue to go home.

Although the route of the cache involved much less height meters than I had expected (after all it is a cache of orotl) and also the overall distance was shorter than expected, it was still a bit strenuous as my bike is a bike designed for using it on streets and pushing the bike through a forest was not that pleasant, in particular not in the descent parts. Nevertheless all in all it was a nice bike tour and I am a little bit proud that I did not give up and managed the whole route by bike on one day. (I did not pass Stage 1 today, but that did not make my ride shorter or easier as the real challenge of this cache is between Stages 5 and the cache). If you do this cache in Summer, I do not recommend to come with shorts. In any case, it might be better to do the cache in early spring or in late autumn.
At some stages the insects were annoying - bringing an
insect repellent might be a good idea.

Thanks for activating this very maintenance-intensive cache again and allowing me to finish it. Now I am finally able to throw away my old notes and need not be worried any longer that I would not be able to find them when I need them.

In any case, this somewhat adventurous cache was a suitable cache for my 555-th found log at gc.com. It belongs to those cache hunts which I will keep in my memory.

In: Geocoin Launched: Huff and Puff (got it yesterday from Dr Torque) - I dared to leave this geocoin here as rabat is both eager to find this cache and to find geocoins.

Out: Geocoin Not Another Micro

Nota 19. agosto 2006 orotl ha scritto una nota

Neue Location für Stage 6, geändert hat sich nur die Beschreibung zu Stage 6
In: Coin

Nota 19. novembre 2005 orotl ha scritto una nota

Grr, der Micro bei Stage 6 ist schon wieder weg.
Morgen werde ich entscheiden wies weitergeht:
* entweder finde ich ein anderes nettes Platzerl für Stage 6
* oder ich überspringe Stage 6
* oder ich archiviere RXX [:(]
mal schauen...

Nota 22. ottobre 2005 orotl ha scritto una nota

Stage 6 heute erneuert, der Suche steht also nichts mehr im Wege.

Nota 15. settembre 2005 orotl ha scritto una nota

Heute Cachekontrolle gemacht.
Stage 2 klarerweise noch immer zugewachsen, aber der Mikro bei Stage 6 ist leider verschwunden.
Hatte leider keinen Ersatz dabei.
Sonst war alles ok.
Ich habe den TB erlöst, und ... und ... die TubeMap gestohlen...


trovata 11. settembre 2005 orotl ha trovato la geocache

Danke cezanne für den Hinweis!
Die Aufstieghilfen sind definitiv zugewachsen, deswegen habe ich die Zahl ii bis auf weiteres in den Hint aufgenommen.


trovata Raccomandata 03. aprile 2005 aj-gps ha trovato la geocache

12:20 CEST

Went there today again together with grizz-gps, straight to stage 10, and then off to stage 11. Both easily found.

We have re-checked the coordinates at stage 2. The main problem is, that the value for F in the calculations on the cache note is wrong. It has to be increased by one, so basically: F=F+1 - then all the other stages should be way easier to find. It's strange that the value is so low, but after all, that's the only matching date value on the whole building that makes sense. BTW, note the interesting spelling of "RENOVIRT" there, a clear sign of another era
I don't know why we got wrong values for stage 8 at stage 5, it could be that the micro contains wrong coordinates or a communication issue between grizz-gps (who found the micro there) and me, but I guess that's unlikely.
As written yesterday, stage 6 seems to describe mmm and nnn again, but these are the coordinates for ooo and ppp, which is fairly obvious.

Thanks orotl for this nice cache, when the minor mistakes are corrected it's for sure a nice and easy one, in an interesting area. I guess with the right values it would take about 2 hours to go to the various stages, and about one hour to find the micros and the final, so about 3 hours from stage 1 back to it.

TNLN. (other logs @ GC)

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