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Log entries for [OSC] Batthyany to Almasy: The Bernstein history    Found 7x Not found 0x Note 0x

Found 26 April 2009 divingbrothers found the geocache

Gemeinsam mit harrylime eine nette Wanderung mit toller Aussicht.


Found 26 March 2009 sterau found the geocache

Schöne Wanderung bei Aprilwetter. Jetzt weiß ich wenigstens, wo das ganze EU-Geld investiert wird. In den Forststraßenbau rund um den Kienberg. THX, Sterau & Lisi & Pauli

Found 27 December 2007 tweetykojote found the geocache

hab zwar die beschreibung nicht ganz verstanden und bin unnötige km durch den schnee gestapft  war aber schön die dose zu finden

tftc tweetykojote

Found 26 August 2006 Gavriel found the geocache

The coordinates were calculated years ago but a thunderstorm stopped all further investigations at that time.
Today we made the hike, enjoying the evening sun and the splendid view.
The cache was found after some searching.
Out: turtle and the yellow tape that lies there since 2004
In: beaded fish
thx, Gavriel & Mike

Found 25 May 2006 JulieWood_Rabat found the geocache

hallo miteinander

Nachdem die Aufgabe bei Stage 1 schnell gelöst war, sind wir mit dem Auto richtung Stage 2 gefahren wo wir dann um die 30 minuten zum Cache gegangen sind. Wir haben die Aussicht am weg sehr genossen.

In: Marienkäfer

Angi & Martin

Found 29 October 2005 Da.Verna&Di.Andre found the geocache

After a "steep" climb to the summit we signed the "Gipfelbuch". Nice walk in the sunshine, saw many Ant-Hills with busy ants.
Found cache not very easy, but Di.Andre was successful!
*Cache is "deeper" that we thought*

IN: Hawaii-Turtle
OUT: Glass-Pig
Thx to the Owner!
Cache in good Condition!
Pics may Follow after returning home...

Pictures for this log entry:

Found 29 May 2004 cezanne found the geocache

When this cache turned up, I was abroad. As soon as I was back home again, I immediately found out the name of the person who had bought the castle in 1864. I came across some other interesting information I had not been aware before, but was not able to find the birth date (well chosen question, BalkanSabranje ).

Since the weather today did not look that stable, I was reluctant to do a mountain cache and decided to finally go for this cache. I also wanted to rescue the TB Nosedive and bring it to the Styrian event cache in two weeks. There its chances to return to the North America, the place which it should have never left, are greater than in this remote cache near Bernstein.

This was my first cache in Burgenland, and also the first one in Austria outside of Styria and the city of Vienna.

Everything with this cache went very smoothly. I found the starting point without any detours, there was no problem to park my car and I had no problems at all to obtain the birth date which is required for calculating the final coordinates of the cache.

The castle is nice. I could look at it only from the outside. I appreciated that the cache is not hidden behind the next best tree near the castle and the main difficulty is finding the right moment where noone looks at you, but a place which allows you to have a nice walk.

Before going for the cache I also had a short look at the interesting old mining stuff at the mining museum near the castle. I was surprised by the large number of stores selling products made of serpentine and other stones within a very small area around the main square. It reminded me of a visit in Volterra, in Tuscany more than 10 years ago because there were even more shops selling stone products (made from marvel in that case), and of a visit of mine together with Alice to Kraubath and a very rare sort of hen-and-chicks which can be found there (near the serpentine quarries).

I enjoyed this cache very much. It combines a lot of aspects that I appreciate:

* An easy convenient drive to the starting place, no narrow streets with endless curves and many crossings where I always tend to take the wrong ones.

* The opportunity to learn something new that I have not known before.

* A nice, relaxing, not too short walk in easy terrain and a nice landscape which is rather different from the landscape in the region around Graz. This cache can also be easily done in Winter (if there is not too much snow) or after heavy rainfalls. If one takes the marked trail, then comfortable shoes suffice - hiking boots are not necessary.

* No need to search for an hour or more at the final location.

The view today was not very good, and it was quite windy (I realized that already on my drive to Bernstein as my car is not well-suited for such conditions). I did not meet a single person on my walk up the Kienberg. I enjoyed the calmness. A really nice place I would never have visited without caching.

I found the hideout after some minutes. I almost overlooked the cache box though it is really large. The box and its contents are fine. The plastic bag has some small holes.

This cache definitely deserves more visitors. I am, however, not sure if the walk up the Kienberg will be equally enjoyable in Summer time - probably the grass will be high in some parts of the rather narrow path.

A big thank you to BalkanSabranje for this really nice cache .

In: TB Stoic Duck
Out: TB Nosedive (needs to be redirected back to North America)

PS: The cache has been found in January by two locals (Franz and Rudi? - I am not any more sure about their name) which left a business card (I believe of a taxi company) and a yellow insulation tape. On the backside of the card they wrote something like "Meldet Euch mal." Probably this message is directed to the owners of the cache.

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