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Log per Chacun à son goût    trovata 8x non trovata 0x Nota 6x

archiviata 03. dicembre 2022 cezanne ha archiviato la cache

As announced in advance I am archiving this cache as the circumstances do not make it possible to keep in a form which meets the spirit of the cache. I will pick up the final container soon.

disponibile 07. novembre 2022 cezanne fatto manutenzione sulla cache

Alert: This cache will get archived at the end of November 2022.

For the moment, I made small adaptions based on the input provided by magicschurl (thank you so much) directly after his visit as a a quick fix just in case anyone has already started the cache and wants it get finished.

The days of the cache are counted for a number of reasons. It is not possible to keep it alive without changing its spirit which I do not want to do. Moreover, the community and its preferences have changed that much since the cache got hidden and most cachers these days play a smartphone game anyway which has nothing in common with the activity I started in 2002.
The AL mania (which is particularly going strong in the area around this cache and very exclusive) manages to entirely ruin my last bit of motivation to keep my caches alive if they start to have troubles.

Nota The geocache is in good or acceptable condition. The geocache description is ok. 17. febbraio 2018 cezanne ha scritto una nota

Short version : I checked all stages and the final today. Everything is ok.

Long version: Today after having went for a cache walk with AnnaMoritz we still had time and felt motivated for a further walk. Then AnnaMoritz mentioned this cache of mine and so we spontaneously decided to go for it together. AnnaMoritz had solved the puzzle part a long time ago and even managed to come up with some answers in advance with her typical sort of approach mixing intuition, knowledge and analytic abilities.

Today was nevertheless most probably not the best day to do this cache as we both came unprepared for the this cache endeavour. Neither of us two had brought along the cache listing and AnnaMoritz did not have brought along her map file. Looking up a long and complex cache description on a smartphone in winter time is not really a pleasant experience either. I tried to jump in and provided some information on the location of the stages to be visited and the tasks to be visited there off my head but I'm not sure whether what I did was more confusing than helpful. Probably if I would had intended to provide wrong or misleading information I would not have been as successful as was today when trying to be helpful.

We visited all stages. Everything which is required for obtaining the cache variables is still there. The two colours which play a role in Task 5 have got quite faded out but are still recognizable.

When it came to visiting the final, I topped what I happened before. In order to allow us to head for the final immediately before AnnaMoritz was able to finish the calculations I provided AnnaMoritz with what I thought to be the coordinates of the final. Once there the experience was similar to what happened to me in December 2016 when I ended up with searching for my own cache for quite a while. AnnaMoritz then found the cache container which is in proper condition with the help of the spoiler photo. Later I realized why the coordinates I used today and in December 2016 were off while noone else reported problems of that type. I had stored the old coordinates prior to 2012 in my GPS-r. I wonder how stupid one can be. Anyway, the coordinates obtained from the formula are not that bad given the jumpy reception in the area and should suffice to find the cache. In case of problems you might try to use the correction N -0.004 or the one mentioned in AnnaMoritz's log. In any case I recommend to bring along the spoiler photograph.

Those who have not yet visited this cache but wish to do so, are recommended to schedule their visit for the next months. I'm not sure how long I will stay motivated to keep this cache which anyway does not match my personal caching preferences. The way how geocaching has developed in the last years does not add to my motivation.

BTW: The cache name is not related to the different attitudes of cachers on geocaching ethics or rules. It rather alludes to the different types of involved locations on the one hand and to the different ways of approaching the stages (with or without GPS-r) on the other hand.

disponibile 23. dicembre 2016 cezanne fatto manutenzione sulla cache

Today I visited Stages 1, 2, 4 and the final. I exchanged the old container against a new one and added new spoiler photos which take into account how the area has changed since 2012. Moreover, I adapted the description of Stage 1 and provided an offset for the final coordinates which might be a bit off.

The cache is now again ready for further visitors. This maintenance run will be the last one. If the cache will have an issue in the future, I will let it go and archive it. If you have already invested time into the cache, try to visit it within the next couple of months.

Please find details on my changes below.

Stage 1: The prohibition sign got lost - I added a new question for A. The nearby object (needed for B) is still there, but is harder to see than back when I have hidden this cache. I added a few extra words to the description and a hint for where to look.

Stage 2: Everything alright. When a cacher contacted me a few days ago when I was away from Graz, I got confused about C. The wheel got lost some years ago, but this change has already been taken already into account in the cache description quite some time ago. Nevertheless I added an extra hint which provides an alternative manner to obtain C just in case someone else runs into the same problem.

Stage 4: Ok.

Final: Coming from the wrong direction I ended up in a thorny area myself. I could not remember how exactly the hideout looked like and I did not have the spoiler photo with me. The area has changed since my last visit. The frozen ground did not make things easier. Finally I found the cache container under some frozen camouflage which I had to remove with some gentle application for force.

As the log book was damp and the cache container quite dirty (which probably caused it to leak a bit), I decided to leave a new container and a new log book. I forgot however to bring a zip lock bag for the log book - right now it is wrapped into a thin and not very adequate plastic bag. Could the next finder please be so kind to help me out and place the log book into a zip lock bag (1l or smaller) - the log book is a small orange spiral note book as it is often used for caches.

Today the reception was somehow jumpy. I obtained the impression that my coordinates are a bit off. I took a new measurement (averaged over 200 readings) but unfortunately I was so clumsy to delete this new waypoint when I was in a hurry due to some other obligation. I tried to reconstruct the measurement from my track data and added the resulting offset of N + 0.005' and E + 0.015' to the cache description (as an offset you could try to use if you happen to have problems to find the cache). If I get confirmation that the resulting coordinates are better than the old ones, I will adapt the formula for the final - so far I left it unchanged. Future finders are invited to send me the coordinates they obtained at the final location.

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Nota 17. settembre 2015 cezanne ha scritto una nota

I slightly adapted the colour list for variable O at Stage 4 to remove any potential ambiguity which weather induced changes over the years might have caused. Thanks for the detailed log feedback (on gc.com).

disponibile 12. luglio 2014 cezanne fatto manutenzione sulla cache

The wheel of time at Stage 2 is gone. I thank Edorian for having mentioned his problems in the log (something not normal any longer) which made me aware of the issue. I changed the question for variable C. So please either use the new description or update the question for C on your printout. Everything else stayed the same.

Das Rad der Zeit bei Station 2 ist verschwunden. Ich bedanke mich bei Edorian, dass er seine Probleme im Log erwaehnt hat (heutzutage leider nicht mehr der Normalfall) und ich daher auf das Problem aufmerksam wurde. Ich habe die Frage fuer C veraendert. Bitte die neue Beschreibung nutzen oder die Frage zur Variable C aum Ausdruck aktualisieren. Alles andere blieb unveraendert.

Nota 18. maggio 2012 cezanne ha scritto una nota

I modified the tasks at Stages 2 and 3, relocated the cache container and added a spoiler photograph. Moreover, I rewrote parts of the introductory section of the cache description to make it more clear to which audience this cache is directed and to avoid disappointments. For these reasons I recommend to create a new printout and not use the old one.

The reason why I moved the cache container is that the area around the old hideout has changed unfavourably. Due to tree cutting activities some years ago, parts of the area started to get overgrown.
The old hideout was better protected against water, but I hope that the old container (which was still in good condition in May 2012) will survive in the new hideout even though not being one of these modern fancy lock and lock containers. In case you are interested into this cache, plan to visit it in 2012 as I do not want to further maintain it in the long run.

trovata Raccomandata 23. dicembre 2008 divingbrothers ha trovato la geocache

Mal wieder ein etwas (im positiven Sinne) "anderer" Cache :-)

Lange hat er mich abgeschreckt. Vielleicht wegen des (für mich) unaussprechlichen Namens? oder wegen der langen Beschreibung? Keine Ahnung...

Nun wars aber an der Zeit, und so hab ich mir den Rätselteil mal genauer angeschaut. Der war eigentlich (wider Erwarten) ziemlich leicht.
Bei der Lokalisierung der Schatzkarte hatte ich so meine Probleme. Mir war klar wonach ich suche, war aber in der falschen ecke unterwegs :-)

Nach einem Hinweis der ownerin, ging alles wie von selbst. Bis auf den Final war das GPS beinahe nur ein Begleiter.

Die Antworten waren (mit den Hints) schnell ermittelt.
Die Gegend um Stage2 war mir schon bekannt, weil es mich da mal (zufällig) mit meinrm Motorrad dahin verschlagen hat.

Alles in Allem ein wirklich netter Cache, der weit weniger aufwändig war als "befürchtet".

Nota 20. settembre 2008 cezanne ha scritto una nota

PlanetEarth and his team got everything right with the exception of one value at Stage 5. I have now added an additional hint to make sure that this type of mistake can be avoided (something I wanted to take care of already a while ago, but for certain reasons I forgot this issue). It appears to me that this stage has changed in a minor way since my last visit. I am very sorry for the inconveniences this has caused.

I will do my best to keep this cache alive until the next visit of PlanetEarth to the area. The team has really deserved to finish this cache successfully.

The cache has in any case survived the storm Paula since myself and RhodoDendron have visited it after the storm.

trovata Raccomandata 20. giugno 2008 Rhodo Dendron ha trovato la geocache

Hatte vor einiger Zeit schon mal vorbeigeschaut, damals aber schnell gemerkt, daß ich nicht gut genug vorbereitet war. Diesmal war das anders und so konnte ich die einzelnen Schauplätze rasch und zuverlässig ausmachen. Ein paar Probleme gabs aber dennoch: Erst stand ich mit der englischen Sprache etwas auf Kriegsfuß, was zu einigen Irritationen führte, und dann war ich mir über die Farbe von S4 sehr unsicher. All das war aber harmlos gegen S5, wo es mich mit der floralen Dekoration ordentlich vertragen hat (dieses Näpfchen drängt sich einem aber auch wirklich förmlich auf). Bei der Cache-Suche wurde mir dann relativ schnell klar, daß da etwas nicht stimmte. Also schnell beim Owner rückgefragt und ebensoschnell eine Antwort erhalten (Danke!), die mich wieder in die Spur gesetzt hat. Vielleicht täusch ich mich, aber beim Cache "riecht" es mE. ein bisschen nach Forstarbeiten. Der Cache und sein Versteck sind aber auf alle Fälle tadellos in Ordnung.
Alles in allem: Sehr kreative Aufgabenstellung, tolle Tour!


Nota 10. dicembre 2006 cezanne ha scritto una nota

[EN:] Today I visited all stages of the cache. The coat of arms at Stage 2 (needed for obtaining H) is indeed in bad condition. To avoid any problems at this stage, I added a workaround which can be used if the coat of arms disappears. (Please note the new parts of the description.) The cache is in good condition and waits for further visitors.

[DE:] Heute machte ich einen Wartungsbesuch bei allen Stationen dieses Caches. Das Wappen bei Station (erforderlich fuer Variable H) ist in der Tat in schlechtem Zustand. Um eventuell dadurch auftretende Probleme zu verhindern, habe ich eine alternative Variante zur Bestimmung von H dazugefuegt. (Bitte den Zusatz zur Beschreibung beachten.) Der Cache ist in gutem Zustand und wartet auf weitere Besucher.

trovata 05. novembre 2006 Schuhhirsch ha trovato la geocache

Dieser Cache ist mir schon lange 'ein Dorn im Auge': GSAK's Liste aller Caches zeigt mir 'Chacun...' schon ewig als nicht gefunden an, und zwar gaaanz oben, als nächstliegender Cache zu unserer Wohnung, gefolgt von 20 'Found'...
Das Foto in der Beschreibung war die größte Hürde, doch dank Internet konnte dieses Problem gelöst werden.
Wir haben die Stages in ansteigender Reihenfolge bewältigt, bei 2a den Hint verwendet, und bei 5 einen Telefonjoker bemüht.
Der Cache selbst war dann schnell entdeckt (wieder von Lalex).

Der Sonntag war ein genialer Tag zum Cachen: sonnig, nicht zu warm, keine Mücken, wunderschöne Gegend.

In: Geocoin 'Launched...', Zahnrad
Out: Plastikfrosch

trovata 28. aprile 2006 Waldschratbrigade TLU ha trovato la geocache

Dieser Cache führte uns zu so manch interessanten Punkt und ließ uns ab und an staunen. Den Cache selbst war mit Hilfe eines Telefonjokers beim 2. Anlauf rasch gefunden. (Manchmal sieht man den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht.)

Danke Cezanne für diesen fordernden und interessanten Cache.


trovata 12. marzo 2006 j-blue ha trovato la geocache

Das Anfangsrätsel zu lösen war schon schwierig, zum Glück aber spuckte Mr. Google nach dem ich ihn lange genug gequält hatte den richtigen Namen aus
Der Rest war eine nun ja sagen wir mal Kooperation mit Mario, nachdem ich ja telefonisch seiner Suche beiwohnte kriegte ich so einiges mit
Vor Ort war keine Menschenseele, wohl aufgrund der widrigen Wetterbedingungen, meine Koordinaten waren etwas daneben, nach kurzer ausgeweiteter Suche wurde ich aber doch noch fündig.

In: Freisprech-Kabel, VE Ballograph
Out: Fisch

trovata 18. febbraio 2006 DeeJay58 ha trovato la geocache

Vorweg: Da ich Ferien habe, habe ich auch Ferien von Englisch! Daher Deutsch...

War heute zum zweiten Mal dort um bei einer späteren Station nochmal vorbeizuschauen um eine Korrektur an meinen Endkoordinaten vornehmen zu können. Den Cache dann nach kurzer Suche gefunden. Es war übrigens schon ziemlich gatschig und das wird bei dem schönen Wetter noch schlimmer werden. Wer sich , seine Schuhe und Hose nicht ganz versauen will, sollte den Cache noch dieses Wochenende machen - sonst erst wieder in ein paar Wochen, bzw. im Frühling.

Beim ersten Besuch ging eigentlich das meiste ganz gut. Meine Flat-Rate-Telefonjokerin (wir haben wirklich fast den ganzen Spaziergang lang telefoniert) machte die ersten Berechnungen und half mir auch so manchmal weiter. Nach ein paar Meinungsverschiedenheiten (G) und einem kleinen Denkfehler von j_blue klappte dann doch fast alles.

Interessante Gegend mit ein paar netten Platzerln.

Out: TB
In: ich habs vergessen...

trovata 17. febbraio 2006 JulieWood_Rabat ha trovato la geocache

Quel Cache?
Heute nachmittag wollten wir schnell diesen Cache holen gehen da wir dachten die endgültigen Cache koordinaten zu haben. Irgendwie war in umkreis von 150m der Koordinaten nichts zu finden.

Nach einen Hilfe anruf bei AJ der uns die Cache Location beschrieben hat waren wir der Meinung, dass wir richtig sein müssten.

Durch blödes herumreden mit AJ sind wir auf unseren Fehler (ein Wert der für uns eindeutig war, war noch falsch) drauf gekommen.

Mit den richtigen koordinaten haben wir den Cache schnell gefunden. Übrigens: die Idee zu unserem Nieten-Cache (GCTCYK) ist in so einer situation geboren.

No Trade

Angi & Martin

Nota 12. febbraio 2006 cezanne ha scritto una nota

[EN:] Congratulations to the two first finders and thank you for the feedback to all cachers you solved the puzzle that fast (BTW: it has been set up intentionally in a way to allow various different ways to obtain the solution) and went for the cache despite the snow.

I made a small change in the description of J. Moreover, I added two entries to the hint section: one for C and one as a sanity check to help future cachers to sanity check their results before proceeding to further stages.

[DE:] Gratulation den beiden Erstfindern und danke fuer das Feedback an alle Cacher, die das Raetsel so schnell geloest
(das uebrigens absichtlich so gestaltet wurde, dass es mehrere Wege gibt, um zur Loesung zu kommen) haben und sich trotz Schnee auf die Suche gemacht haben.

Ich habe die Beschreibung fuer J geringfuegig abgeaendert.
Ausserdem habe ich zwei zusaetzliche Hinweise zu Station 2 gegeben. Einen zu C, und einen als Pruefmoeglichkeit, die es erlauben sollte gewisse Fehler fruehzeitig zu erkennen.

trovata 12. febbraio 2006 aj-gps ha trovato la geocache

13:54 CET - FTF for Team gert/aj-gps

When I noticed this nice cache yesterday it took me a few minutes to solve the puzzle. Exchanging mails with cezanne we noticed that I made, as usual, quite a stupid mistake with X..
Anyway, today I went to the cache area by car even though that's within my usual "bike distance", but as I wasn't feeling well recently I decided not to go there by bike.
After visiting all locations I had some coordinates, but at the target area I was quite lost in the wood, so I returned to stage 3 to recheck my values.
Arriving at stage 3 I met Gert and we compared our solutions. I had two small mistakes, he had a wrong country..
Together we went to the (now correct) coordinates of the final stage and after a few minutes we found the cache box.
Thanks for this nice cache.


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