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Logs pour Parks in Graz #8 - Volksgarten    trouvé 15x pas trouvé 0x Note 0x

trouvé 27. décembre 2006 JulieWood_Rabat trouvé la géocache

Ziel unseres Heutigen Spaziergang.


Angelika, Katharina & Martin

trouvé 21. décembre 2006 LonesomeConebag trouvé la géocache

Ja, ja, zusammengerechtes Laub rund um den Cachefunort löste wahre Panikattacken im dem Cacherrudel, das nach dem Event noch unterwegs war, aus.

trouvé 21. décembre 2006 Pr3ach3rman trouvé la géocache


Aber er war ja doch noch da :-). Die vorletzte Station nach dem Eventcache.

TFTC, Pr3ach3rman

trouvé 20. décembre 2006 aj-gps trouvé la géocache

00:45 CET

trouvé 13. décembre 2006 Gavriel trouvé la géocache

Schnell zu finden.
In dem Park kann man gut beobachten, dass zwischen Ratten und Tauben eine nahe Verwandschaft besteht: Die Vögel erkunden dort doch tatsächlich wassernahe enge Kanalröhren.

thx, Gavriel

p.s.: tolle Skate-Anlage

trouvé 09. décembre 2006 Lord Harry trouvé la géocache

So der letze auf der heutigen Cachetour mit faustus...
Lord Harry

trouvé 03. décembre 2006 K2MO trouvé la géocache

Bin am späten Nachmittag noch ein bisschen ausgeradelt und hab nach zwei DNFs, war nicht motiviert zum lange suchen, dann doch noch einen Cache gefunden und mir als Belohnung bei den Kirchtag-Standln beim Volksgarten etwas zum Naschen gekauft. War eine feine Abend-Cacherei, TFTC!


trouvé 26. novembre 2006 Waldschratbrigade TLU trouvé la géocache

Haben einen kleinen Spaziergang durch den schönen Park gemacht und den Cache schnell gefunden.
Danke an DJ.

trouvé 25. novembre 2006 n.wiesenhofer trouvé la géocache

Erster Cache auf unserer heutigen Cachertour. Leider auch am Vormittag schon sehr viele Muggles die ihre Mugglehunde zum Gassigehn ausführen.

trouvé 24. novembre 2006 cezanne trouvé la géocache

Disclaimer: This log only reflects the thoughts and associations that came up to my mind in connection with searching this cache. The log is neither meant to critizice the cache nor to suggest improvements.

If you are worried after having read frustus' log in the morning, here comes the relief: The cache is still there and has apparently survived the attack of the huge hoover-like devices used to clean the park.

Now let's begin at the beginning of my story.
After park cache #9 I continued to this cache. I have to admit that when this cache showed up my thoughts were quite the opposite to the thoughts of GenerationCX. At the moment I am waiting rather eagerly that a cache close to Graz shows up that fits my caching preferences and that is not difficult for me - in that situation seeing a new cache that is a park cache is not making me very happy. The fact that this cache is hidden in the Volksgarten, a park which is know since I was a small child, but which invokes also some bitter or at least ambivalent reminiscences did not improve my mood.

Unlike the park #9 cache this cache was easy to find despite the darkness and there are less people around in the area at night which makes it easier to quickly log the cache.

In the case of this park, I would have preferred a multi-cache as there exist several objects of interest in the area, including some interesting sacral objects, an old one and a much newer one which did not exist during my childhood. I guess I would also have included some background information on the parks, but on the other hand most cachers use caches like this one as quick caches and are often even scared off or annoyed by descriptions which are longer than strictly necessary.

Some parts of the area have changed quite a lot since my childhood, but some parts still make the same depressed impression. Already several decades ago this park was a place where one encountered also a lot of people living at the edge of the society (at least I had the feeling that there number was larger there than for example in the Stadtpark).

The play ground looks quite different from the one which existed many years ago. I only vaguely can recall how the place looked like - I guess I repressed this part of my memories as I playgrounds were locations I did not like at all when I was a child. They typically made me much more sad than happy.

The Volksgarten park also reminds me of the horrible Christmas market which took place at its edge during many years. The older I became, the more I hated having to visit this market at least one per year with my family. I do like crowded places and even less if they are like a fairground while being dedicated to the advent and to Christmas. The odours of candy floss, awfully fat langos and thinks of this type do not match with advent for me. Unfortunately, nowadays the situation is even worse - the number of punch booths all over the inner city increased exponentially. Nevertheless, it still happens to me each year in November that I forget to take the situation into account. The same happened today. On my way to the first park cache, I took the route through the inner city and realized too late that the period where I need to surpass the inner city whenever possible has already started.

Probably the pre-Christmas period became much too commercially orientied into cities. On the country-side I once in a while still manage to feel comfortable during this period of the year. A few years ago I spent the week before Christmas in a small village in the Black forest - I liked the atmosphere. The only positive memory I associate with the advent period in connection with a city, is a short stay in Strasbourg about a decade ago. It might, however, be that I was a milder judge than it is normally the case as I like to travel to France and it was my first and only stay to Strasbourg, a place that I had wanted to visit for a very long time.

No trade

trouvé 23. novembre 2006 j-blue trouvé la géocache

Schnell mit Gert gefunden.

trouvé 23. novembre 2006 Gustus trouvé la géocache

Den Park kenn ich schon sehr lange. Schönes Plätzchen. Hier gehört eine Dose einfach hin. Danke fürs Verstecken.

trouvé 21. novembre 2006 gebu trouvé la géocache

Dritter - die Dose konnte auch ohne Licht ertastet werden :)

trouvé 21. novembre 2006 GenerationCX trouvé la géocache

endlich wieder mal ein park in graz, der mit einer dose beehrt wird!

schneller und leichter fund. war auch das einzige versteck in der näheren umgebung.

ich empfehle bei tageslicht den cache zu heben, da abends sehr viele ihr hunderl ausführen und da man schlecht mit der funzel dort herumleuchten kann. außerdem erspart man sich das eine oder das andere häuferl.



trouvé 21. novembre 2006 rieglerp trouvé la géocache

hurra FTF!  :)
endlich weiss ich, warum ich so früh zur arbeit fahre: wenn da schon ein neuer cache genau am weg liegt ...


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