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Log entries for Grübel, Grübel und Studier    Found 19x Not found 3x Note 4x

Note 17 March 2012 mic@ wrote a note

Dieser Cache ist auf geocaching.com archiviert und hier nicht mit dem Attribut "OC only" versehen. Das letzte Funddatum liegt lange zurück und die Logs bei geocaching.com lassen darauf schließen, das der Cache nicht mehr existiert. Aus diesem Grunde archiviere ich ihn auch hier. Sollten sich später neue Aspekte ergeben und der Cache wieder aktiviert werden, so kann dies durch den Owner selbstständig über die Funktion "Cache bearbeiten" erfolgen.

mic@ (OC-Guide)

Found 19 October 2009 Määnzer found the geocache

Während unseres Urlaubes in Graz diesen Cache gefunden. Sehr schönes Rätsel.

JB - AB + HB

Found 23 May 2009 p.t.jaulerei found the geocache

Saw this Mystery a long time ago, but was always to lazy to think about a solution. When AustrianRanger reminded me of this riddle i started thinking about it again and found the solution a few weeks ago. But i had no time to retrieve the cache. Today AustrianRanger and i passed by and finally logged our visit.

Found 26 September 2008 zup2 found the geocache

2008-09-26 12:00
Das Rätsel hatte ich schon lange gelöst, aber zwischenzeitig vollkommen drauf vergessen. Während meiner kleinen Cacherunde gestern schließlich doch noch gehoben. Ohne den Hint hätte ich ihn aber wohl an einer vollkommen anderen Stelle vermutet.

Found 18 July 2008 fam.feuerstein found the geocache

Den Teil mit dem Entwurmen haben wir zwar scheinbar nicht verstanden, aber dank Geochecker war die Lösung bald gefunden. Ebenso der Cache.
TFTC, fam.feuerstein

Found 01 June 2008 ferret out found the geocache

Interessante Dose, tolles Rätsel.



Found 22 May 2008 tt7 found the geocache

Gemeinsam mit Orion! TFTC

Found 12 May 2008 Schuhhirsch found the geocache

Lalex und ich sind heute mal mit den Radln in die Stadt gefahren, und dieser hier war, nachdem ich ihn in der Früh gelöst hatte, der erste cache auf unserem Weg.

Found 09 May 2008 Nohny found the geocache

Ohne viel Probleme gefunden und muggelfrei geloggt. Hat Spaß gemacht. Waren mit RandomTox unterwegs.
Hat Spaß gemacht. Die Mainzer - Danke für den Cache -
Nohny und Harald

Found 09 April 2008 divingbrothers found the geocache

so wie ich mit einen rätselcache vorstelle... nach der lösung einfach nur abholen...

der hint ist dabei gold wert!

aber eindeutig ist die lösung nicht oder?

Found 09 March 2008 Möwe found the geocache

Heute Abend mit kassandra1105 rasch gefunden.

Kassandra1105 war es dann auch die den Cache fand.


Found 03 March 2008 Rhodo Dendron found the geocache

Das Rätsel war nicht ganz einfach, aber lösbar. Vor Ort ging auch alles glatt. Netter Behälter!


Found 28 February 2008 Gustus found the geocache

Am späten Abend noch schnell vorbeigeschaut. Viele Muggles aber bald gefunden. Danke für den Cache.

Found 27 February 2008 Lord Harry found the geocache

another fine after work cache!
Lord Harry

teamwork with Rabat and Kekec....

[This entry was edited by Lord Harry on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 10:23:32 AM.]

Found 27 February 2008 JulieWood_Rabat found the geocache

Hallo miteiander

Cache gemeinsam mit Kekec und LH gefunden. Zuerst auf der falschen Seite angefangen.



Found 27 February 2008 aj-gps found the geocache

07:30 CET
Quick find on my way to work. Somehow I didn't find it on my last attempt two days ago but that might be because I expected it to be hidden somewhere else nearby.

Found 27 February 2008 n.wiesenhofer found the geocache

Mit dem Hint haben sogar wir Dummköpfe den Cache gefunden. Bzw wurde er von den Vorfindern gefunden, die ihn uns gleich überreichten. War ja fast ein kleines Cachertreffen heute. Herr Rabat beehrte uns dann auch noch mit seinem Vorbeikommen :)


Found 27 February 2008 amarain_lisa found the geocache

Heute 2ter Versuch mit neuem Hint,beim letzten Mal überall anders gesucht nur dort nicht so richtig [:D] Heute mussten wir nicht mal suchen [:D] Wir bekamen den Cache sozusagen auf dem Silber-Tablett serviert *DANKE [:D]*, war noch ein sehr nettes Tratscherl! Die Cacherdichte scheint dort ziemlich hoch zu sein [:D], am Rückweg zum Auto, dann noch von JWR abgepasst worden und geplaudert.

Found 26 February 2008 DeeJay58 found the geocache

NAchdem ich den Verstecker auf seinen kleinen Fehler aufmerksam gemacht hatte, konnte ich das Rätsel in 0,nix lösen. Mein erster Cache, den ich im Büro gelöst habe übrigens...
Dabei war ein Kollege so begeistert von der Sache, dass er sich mir gleich an die Fersen gehängt hat und wir gemeinsam zur Target-area fuhren. Auka blieb im Auto und wir begannen zuerst falsch zu suchen.
Es dauerte aber nicht lange bis Stefan dan "Du, do is wos!" rief und den Cache somit gefunden hat. Kein schlechter Einstand muss man sagen.

Danke für den Cache, das Versteck ist recht gut gewählt!

Found 26 February 2008 cezanne found the geocache

When I decided to have a quick look at the location again, I have not yet been aware of the fact that the cache now exists on gc.com as well. Actually, I did not expect to ever come across this cache on gc.com, so it was a quite big surprise for me to become aware of this cache. Since I had to pass by the area where this cache is hidden today in the afternoon to meet someone, I somehow felt obliged to have another look at the situation in order to be able to let the hider of the cache know whether the terrain rating is appropriate. (Short answer: It is - and the cache is fine.)

My personal story associated with this cache started when the cache showed up at oc.de. Obtaining the age of the three dogs was trivial for me and did not require any effort at all, I decided to have a quick look at the cache despite the fact that it is an urban cache. The puzzle is certainly not at the level mathematicians or physicists find interesting, but as the puzzle part of a cache which is not very time-consuming for the average geocacher it is well suited.

While the first part of this cache was very easy for me, the second part, i.e., finding the cache turned out to be much more difficult. On Saturday evening when there was only a short hint that did not help me at all, I gave up to search for this cache after some time. I was frustrated and my fingers have got already quite dirty. Moreover, there were quite some people around and I did not feel comfortable. So I gave up and called it a day. Yesterday evening I passed the area, but did not search there and just had a chat with three other cachers who failed to find the cache as well.

Today a hint has been added which in retrospect turned out to be quite helpful. Before having a look at the area, I was misled by my bad visual memory - I was believing the cache at a completely different place than where it actually is.
The terrain rating 1.5* is indeed correct. While it is easier to find the cache during day light (in particular without using the new hint), it is easier to retrieve it unseen during night time. To be sure that noone observed my actions, I passed the area again when I was coming back from my meeting. The cache was still where it is supposed to be.

I am not enthusiastic about the target location (I do not like urban caching), but I need to mention on the positive side that the hideout has been chosen with thought (despite the fact that this cache is the first physical cache of the hider). It is not necessary to inspect ugly places to retrieve the cache. (With the old description and the old hint, it was, however, almost inevitable to first look at such places as the cache is well-hidden and at least my GPS-r let me concentrate my search at another area.)

Do not forget to bring a pen.

No trade

Note 26 February 2008 nijo08 wrote a note

Frust soll's beim Suchen natürlich nicht geben! Hab daher den Hint ausgeweitet. Sollte er nicht mehr vor Ort sein, dann bitte melden!

Note 25 February 2008 cezanne wrote a note

Today I passed by the area on my way to some other place. Just for fun I had a look whether someone was searching there and I detected three cachers known to me from pictures. So before leaving the area I asked them whether they had been successful and then we had a nice chat about caching in general and about this cache.

I did not search for this cache today as I had decided on Saturday to wait at least until someone except the hiders have found the cache. The information about the hideout which has been given away in the note of February 25 confuses me. I need to admit that most places I had checked on Saturday where located at lower levels than eye level. I found quite a lot of candidate hideouts which fit to the hint and are in accordance with the 1.5* terrain rating as most of them are not eligible for caching in a wheel-chair. It is not clear to me why I should have known in advance that all these places do not contain the cache. In any case, I suggest to add the information "at eye level" either to the hint or to the text of the cache description. Moreover, I feel that the formulation "is hanging at eye level" is somehow strange in combination with the hint.

I admit that I do not like at all urban caches and I often fail to find somewhat tricky hideouts, but I cannot believe that four cachers are completely blind. So either this cache is extremely hard to find (at least when there is no daylight) or something is wrong (either the hint and/or the coordinates and/or the rating).

As far as I know the group who searched for the cache today even checked some places that are located at terrain harder than 1.5* (which is the easiest non-handicapped accessible terrain) which I did not check at my attempt to find the cache (the risk appeared to high for me at the moment due to personal reasons).

Not found 25 February 2008 amarain_lisa did not find the geoacache

Trotz intensiver Suche oben, unten, links und rechts, konnten wir nix finden. Dann noch Cezanne getroffen und ein bisl geplauscht. Wie schon von n.wiesenhofer beschrieben war auch eine letze intensive Suche ohne Ergebnis....

Not found 25 February 2008 n.wiesenhofer did not find the geoacache

Wir haben oben und unten gesucht, leider nichts gefunden. Vor unserem letzten Versuch hat uns dann noch Cezanne "überfallen". Nach einer kurzen Plauderei gings dann nochmal nach "unten" aber wieder ergebnislos. 

Note 24 February 2008 nijo08 wrote a note

War heute nochmals zur Sicherheit da. Der Cache hängt ruhig und friedlich auf Augenhöhe und kann somit auch ohne Tapsen in dreckige Löcher gefunden werden. Also Augen auf! Smile (und auch auf die Terrainwertung achten, dann ergeben sich nicht so viele Möglichkeiten)

Not found 23 February 2008 cezanne did not find the geoacache

Since obtaining the age of the three dogs was trivial for me and did not require any effort at all, I decided to have a quick look at the cache despite the fact that it is an urban cache. The puzzle is certainly not at the level mathematicians or physicists find interesting. It is well suited for pupils of about 12-14 years.

While the first part of this cache was very easy, I failed with the second part, i.e. with finding the cache. I went to the location by bicycle. The area is very open. I checked a few candidates, among them the one which seemed most likely to me (in particular given the low terrain rating), but I failed to find the cache. The area is ugly and is not inviting for detailed searches. Im retrospect, I should have stayed at home as this cache was not even a "quick find", one of the lowest level on my personal scale for the degree of satisfaction which results from a cache.

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