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Nota 20. marzo 2011 faina09 ha scritto una nota

Was again here with TheFrog & Lama
The cache is OK! The tour is great!!

trovata 29. aprile 2010 faina09 ha trovato la geocache

FTF!! Lachend
Incredible place!! If you think that just 100 years ago many and many persons, as you can guess from the stone mill, lived here, probably all their life, with many different stories.. On out way up from Moggio to Moggessa di Qua we founded a carved stone in memory of the pain for the dead of a ten years old boy, exactly in 1910, fallen into the mill gorge. After the cache we continued to Moggessa di La' and then to Stavoli and down to Campiolo. The path is marked and in the villages some signs. It was a very beautiful, instructive tour!!
In: Chick
Out: Delphine
TFTC Faina09 & §Grano 

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