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Log de entrada por Naturdenkmäler in Graz - Bonuscache    encuentran 6x no encontrado 0x Nota 4x

Nota 23. octubre 2008 orotl han escrito una nota

wird überarbeitet, bitte momentan nicht suchen.

encuentran Recomendación 02. agosto 2008 divingbrothers ha encontrado el geocache

Heute war ein Cache Tag mit CrazyGustav und Ruth geplant.

Da auch einer der letzen der Naturparks auf dem Programm stand, hab ich am Vortag noch einen der mir fehlt gemacht, was aufgrund der Jahreszeit sehr spannend war :)

Mit allen Bonuszahlen ausgestatten, haben wir die 7 Naturdenkmäler besucht, und sind dann bei einsetzender Dunkelheit zu den errechneten Koords aufgebrochen.

Die Beschreibung hat zwar circa, aber doch nicht genau gepasst, so dass wir beimn owner nachgefragt haben, und es in der Berechnung einen Widerspruch gab.

Als wir dann nach Ableich der Lösungen die Dose in der Hand hatten, war auch schon der Owner mit dem Fahrrad zu uns gestossen.
Danke an dieser Stelle nochmal für die Unterschützung!

Aber nun noch was zur Serie und dem Bonuscache!

Es waren abwechslungsreiche Caches, die durchwegs in sehr nette Gegenden geführt haben. Manche der Caches sollte man aber vielleicht besser in der kalten Jahreszeit machen

Auch (oder gerade weil) es in Summe recfht aufwendig war, hat es mir sehr gut gefallen, und der Bonus würde sich durchaus mehr Besucher verdienen ;)

Danke fürs Zeigen der verschiedenen Parks!!

encuentran Recomendación 28. mayo 2008 Rhodo Dendron ha encontrado el geocache

Danke für die Wiedereröffnung, der ich bereits eine Weile harrte. [:I]

Das Gebiet ist tatsächlich sehr sehenswert, aber auch recht unwegsam, zumindest in der grünen Jahreszeit und wenn man wie ich etwas tiefer reinschnuppern möchte. Ich sag mal so: Brennnesselallergie sollte man keine haben... [:o)]

TFTC und danke auch nochmal für die tolle Lehrpfad-Serie!

Nota 17. mayo 2008 orotl han escrito una nota

Gut Ding braucht gut Weil ;-)

Nach langem hin und her, ob ich das Final umbaue oder nicht, haben ich mich doch entschlossen ihn so zu lassen wie er war.

Kann also wieder gesucht werden!

Danke für die Geduld ;-)


Nota 13. enero 2007 orotl han escrito una nota

Der Cache wird in den nächsten Tagen einen neuen Platz bekommen.

encuentran 26. noviembre 2006 Waldschratbrigade TLU ha encontrado el geocache

Beim 2. Anlauf schnell gefunden!! Wir mußten doch etwas graben um den Behälter zu finden. Es ist schon irgendwie traurig wie wenig ein Naturschutzgebiet geachtet wird. Stellenweise hat man das Gefühl sich auf einer Mülldeponie zu befinden. Schade um den schönen Urwald.
Danke an Orotl für diese lehrreiche Serie. Hat uns gut gefallen.

Nota 19. agosto 2006 orotl han escrito una nota

Cachekontrolle, alles in Ordnung.
Kann mittlerweile auch ohne Buschmesser gesucht werden.

encuentran Recomendación 16. diciembre 2005 JulieWood_Rabat ha encontrado el geocache

Hallo Zusammen!

Nachdem wir die Baumgruppe einmal gefunden haben, lag der Cache dann praktisch schon vor uns. Erschwerend kam hinzu, dass uns bei der Cachesuche ein GPS ausgefallen ist.

Wir möchten uns für diese Serie bei Orotl bedanken, der uns damit ein paar sehr sehenswerte und lehrreiche Plätze in Graz gezeigt hat.

Angelika & Martin

PS: die Empfehlung gilt der ganzen Naturdenkmäler Serie

encuentran 14. agosto 2005 cezanne ha encontrado el geocache

Well what should I write about this cache? My feelings are somewhat ambiguous. I liked the nature trail series and I definitely liked the first part of this cache which involved visiting seven impressive trees in order to collect the numbers W1-W7. I did not like that much the second part of this bonus cache which involved to actually find the bonus cache although the area in which it is hidden is indeed a nice place which is not common inside the borders of a city.

Let me start my story at the beginning. Although it is possible to visit all locations of this cache on one day, I decided to split the cache into two parts. Last Sunday I collected the numbers W1 until W6 by bicycle. Since I had obtained W7 already earlier (earlier than this cache showed up as for some reason I had an interest into the tree at that location), I was able to compute the coordinates of the final cache already a week ago.

In my first attempt I got strange coordinates and I asked orotl whether I made a mistake in collecting the data. Before I received his response, I already had found my stupid mistake with W7. The coordinates I obtained in the second attempt looked very promising.

Today I went by bike to the target area. I left my bike at the edge of the street and went to the first point mentioned in the cache description. It was not easy to find there something which I regard as path. There were some traces, but not a unique one. As no real path showed up, I decided to give it a try and follow what orotl apparently regards as path. (BTW: Be careful, there are some holes in the ground near the area where the "path" I took starts.) The GPS-reception was very bad and jumpy and the ground was wet already in the first part of the "path". When I arrived in the flat area, it became even harder to recognize what should be meant by "path" - my GPS-r still showed a distance of about 20-25 meters to the cache when I only found lots of stinging nettles. I had no idea in which direction I should continue. Going back to an area with better reception, did not help me either - so I went back to the place where I got stuck in my first attempt.

Next I tried to look around for a a group of three trees in the circumference of the place where I was standing - I tried to exclude the areas where it seemed impossible to me to go there without a special equipment for Amazonian forests. As I did not spot a convincing candidate, I had a look at the spoiler picture which I had luckily taken with me (normally I quite often go caching without spoiler pictures if the caches are rather new). As my printout was only a black and white version of the photo, it was not that helpful. Still one of the arrows helped me to get the idea that the cache was not far from my position when looking around. Like Gert I do not feel that the trees form a group of three trees in reality (the perspective of the picture is a bit strange).

I recommend to future searchers to take the spoiler picture with them and to avoid concentrating on searching for a group of three trees. The arrows on the picture might be of larger help. In case you suffer from bad GPS-reception as I did, do not trust the coordinates/your GPS-device too much.

The cache container and its contents are in good condition.
Due to the small size of the container (I would classify it as micro, not as a small cache) only very small trading items would fit so it might be best to refrain from trading in this cache at all.

To comfort orotl and even more those readers of the two previous logs who do not know Gert and aj-gps, be assured that the area has not suffered from the geocaching induced visits so far. Of course Gert and aj-gps have treated the area with respect and have not done what they described in their ironic logs.

To conclude my log, let me say that the area where the final cache is hidden is certainly a beautiful place - I am glad that such areas still exist inside of Graz. Personally, it is, however, not a place where I like to go with the aim to search there for a cache. I am not even sure whether it is a good idea at all to have human visits in the area at all although on the other hand the distance to civilization is quite small. Since I am sure that the "path" leading to the target area has not been created by orotl, it seems that also other people visit the area, so most probably a few visits induced by geocaching will not make any difference (provided that the geocacher behave respectfully).

Thanks for the nice and interesting nature trail cache series and this bonus cache. Unlike most of the individual caches of the bonus series (main exception the cache near Feldkirchen), I would not regard the bonus cache as family-friendly.

No trade

encuentran 30. julio 2005 aj-gps ha encontrado el geocache

19:00 CEST
On my first attempt I ended up close to a greenhouse in the city. After orotl fixed the mistake in his calculations it was rather easy to find the final.
After cutting down all the trees at the cache location with the chainsaw of my swiss army knife I took the diesel-powered scythe and cleaned up the remaining thorns and bushes. After enjoying the now greatly improved gps reception at the cache location I finally picked up the box and signed the log. Maybe the next visitor can bring his pocket bulldozer and clean up the mess?


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